1. Overview
Vertex AI API can be accessed over the internet, however, in your enterprise you may want to access the Vertex AI API's privately without going over the internet. In this lab you will first access the Anthropic Claude on Vertex via python sdk running on a VM instance via public internet.
Then you will create a Private Service Connect endpoint to Googleapis, and change the traffic flow to use the private endpoint to connect to the Vertex API.
In this lab, you're going to be creating the following pattern.
2. Objectives
In this lab you will learn how to perform the following task:
- Set up VM instance to use python sdk
- Connect to Anthropic Claude chat via python script
- Configure PSC endpoint to connect to Googleapis
- Configure manual DNS entries
- Verify connectivity path to Googleais
Lab setup
Self-paced environment setup
- Sign-in to the Google Cloud Console and create a new project or reuse an existing one. If you don't already have a Gmail or Google Workspace account, you must create one.
- The Project name is the display name for this project's participants. It is a character string not used by Google APIs. You can always update it.
- The Project ID is unique across all Google Cloud projects and is immutable (cannot be changed after it has been set). The Cloud Console auto-generates a unique string; usually you don't care what it is. In most codelabs, you'll need to reference your Project ID (typically identified as
). If you don't like the generated ID, you might generate another random one. Alternatively, you can try your own, and see if it's available. It can't be changed after this step and remains for the duration of the project. - For your information, there is a third value, a Project Number, which some APIs use. Learn more about all three of these values in the documentation.
- Next, you'll need to enable billing in the Cloud Console to use Cloud resources/APIs. Running through this codelab won't cost much, if anything at all. To shut down resources to avoid incurring billing beyond this tutorial, you can delete the resources you created or delete the project. New Google Cloud users are eligible for the $300 USD Free Trial program.
Start Cloud Shell
While Google Cloud can be operated remotely from your laptop, in this codelab you will be using Google Cloud Shell, a command line environment running in the Cloud.
From the Google Cloud Console, click the Cloud Shell icon on the top right toolbar:
It should only take a few moments to provision and connect to the environment. When it is finished, you should see something like this:
This virtual machine is loaded with all the development tools you'll need. It offers a persistent 5GB home directory, and runs on Google Cloud, greatly enhancing network performance and authentication. All of your work in this codelab can be done within a browser. You do not need to install anything.
3. Task 1. Setup Environment
We will create a custom VPC with Firewall rules. If you have a VPC and Project already you can skip this part.
Open Cloud Shell located at the top of your console on the right. And configure as follows:
- Enable some of the apis we will use in this lab
gcloud services enable dns.googleapis.com gcloud services enable aiplatform.googleapis.com gcloud services enable servicedirectory.googleapis.com
- Set some variables. These variables are the Project ID and Network ID of the custom VPC (you will create the VPC in step 4).
projectid=$(gcloud config get-value project) networkid=anthropic-net echo $projectid echo $networkid clear
- Now create a custom VPC called anthropic-net.
gcloud compute networks create $networkid \ --project=$projectid \ --subnet-mode=custom \ --mtu=1460 \ --bgp-routing-mode=global
- Create the vm1-subnet in the new VPC
gcloud compute networks subnets create vm-subnet \ --project=$projectid --range= \ --stack-type=IPV4_ONLY --network=$networkid \ --region=us-east1
- Add ICMP firewall rule to your VPC
gcloud compute firewall-rules create $networkid-allow-icmp --project=$projectid \ --network=$networkid \ --description="Allows ICMP connections from any source to any instance on the network." \ --direction=INGRESS \ --priority=65534 \ --source-ranges= \ --action=ALLOW \ --rules=icmp
- Add SSH firewall rule to your VPC
gcloud compute firewall-rules create $networkid-allow-ssh \ --project=$projectid \ --network=$networkid \ --description="Allows TCP connections from any source to any instance on the network using port 22." \ --direction=INGRESS --priority=65534 \ --source-ranges= --action=ALLOW \ --rules=tcp:22
4. Task 2. Enable Anthropic in Vertex model garden
We need to grant outbound external access to the internet so lets create a Cloud NAT gateway and attach it.
- Go to Vertex AI and select Model Garden
- Search for Anthropic and select Claude 3.5 Sonnet
- Select Enable, you will be required to fill out some info. Fill out form an select Next
- On the final page select Agree to enable Claude 3.5 Sonnet
5. Task 3. Create NAT gateway and VMs
We need to grant outbound external access to the internet so lets create a Cloud NAT gateway and attach it.
In Cloud Shell use the following commands
- Create the Cloud NAT.
gcloud compute routers create anthro-out-nat \ --network $networkid \ --region us-east1
- Create the Cloud NAT gateway.
gcloud compute routers nats create anthro-out-nat-gw \
--router-region us-east1 \
--router anthro-out-nat \
--nat-all-subnet-ip-ranges \
Now let's create one VMs to access the Anthropic on Vertex AI via Python SDK.
We are going to create a vm to test with the following packages installed
- In the same cloud shell session create anthro-vm using the following.
gcloud compute instances create anthro-vm \
--project=$projectid \
--zone=us-east1-b \
--network-interface=stack-type=IPV4_ONLY,subnet=vm-subnet,no-address,network=$networkid \
--metadata startup-script="#! /bin/bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-venv -y
sudo apt-get install tcpdump dnsutils -y
sudo -i
sudo mkdir -p ~/py-anthro-env
cd ~/py-anthro-env
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -U ipython google-cloud-aiplatform 'anthropic[vertex]'"
You should see a VM created with no public IP addresses. Now let's configure the VM's
6. Task 4. Configure VM and test
- Navigate to VM instances. Select the vm starting with anthro-vm. Choose SSH.
- Once you SSH into anthro-vm, enable root by typing
sudo -i
- Activate your venv environment:
cd py-anthro-env
source env/bin/activate
- Now let's authenticate this to do some testing later on. Run the following command in the VM, press y when prompted.
gcloud auth application-default login
- Next copy the url which appears in the starting with https:// open a new tab in your lab browser window and paste the url. Accept the prompts.
- When you see the following select copy, switch back to the vm anthro-vm session and for Enter authorization code: paste the code you copied and press enter to authenticate.
- Now let's do a quick test to see if we can connect to the Vertex Gemini API, this uses the us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com so we will do a
to that address to see how the traffic routes.
dig us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com
- You should see something similar (the address will differ). Note the path is via public IP addresses since the API is a public API.
; <<>> DiG 9.16.48-Debian <<>> us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 9117
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 16, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com. 300 IN A
- Now let's use python. Type
to activate the ipython interface.
- Now copy and paste the following. This asks Claude "Where is the Olympics being held in 2024!" . p.s. Replace
with the name of your project id
from anthropic import AnthropicVertex
project_id = "YOUR-Project-ID-Here"
region = "us-east5"
client = AnthropicVertex(project_id=project_id, region=region)
message = client.messages.create(
"role": "user",
"content": "Where is the olympics being held in 2024!",
- Press enter to run and see the result.
- This request accessed Anthropic via the Vertex public API.
- Close off SSH session let's continue.
7. Task 5. Create the PSC endpoint to googleapis
To enable private connectivity to our Vertex API endpoint we will create a Private Service Connect endpoint for googleapis. This will allow us to use a private IP address we assign to route traffic to the googleapis we need, in this case Vertex Gemini.
- Open Cloud Shell if not open already. Create an IP for the PSC endpoint. We will use in this case.
gcloud compute addresses create anthro-ip \
--global \
--addresses= \
- Verify IP created
gcloud compute addresses list --filter="name=( 'anthro-ip' ...)"
- Next create the PSC endpoint
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create pscanthrovertex \
--global \
--network=$networkid \
--address=anthro-ip \
- This will create an endpoint and a service directory entry. Verify endpoint exist
gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe pscanthrovertex --global
8. Task 6. Verify endpoint connectivity via automatic service directory zone
Let's connect using the private endpoint to connect to Gemini.
- Go to VM Instance anthro-vm1. Select SSH and SSH into the VM
- Gain root access by typing
sudo -i
- Check the connectivity path to aiplatform-pscanthrovertex.p.googleapis.com using the
command. You should see the IP of the PSC endpoint
dig aiplatform-pscanthrovertex.p.googleapis.com
9. Task 7. Create Manual DNS entry to googleapis (Optional)
You can create a manual DNS entry to point to the PSC endpoint using private DNS. This would affect all the networks you assign to it.
- Navigate to Network services and select Cloud DNS.
- In zones you should see an automatically created zone for the Private Service Connect for Google APIs, with zone type service directory. This can be used to connect to the PSC endpoint with the format **SERVICE-ENDPOINT.p.googleapis.com Example
- In this case we want to manually create a private DNS entry. Go to Cloud DNS and select Create Zone
- Configure as follows
Configuration | Name |
Zone type | Private |
Zone name | googleapis-private |
DNS name | googleapis.com |
Add Networks (select done when added) | anthropic-net |
To complete select | Create |
- In the Zone details area select Add standard to add an A record
Configuration | Name |
Resource record type | A |
IPv4 address (add IP address of endpoint) | |
To complete select | Create |
- In the Zone detail area select Add standard to add a CNAME record
Configuration | Name |
DNS name | * |
Record resource type | CNAME |
Canonical name 1 | googleapis.com |
To complete select | Create |
- You should see a set up with an A record and CNAME like this see
- Next we verify connectivity with these changes on anthro-vm
10. Task 8. Verify endpoint connectivity via IP address (Optional)
Let's connect using the private endpoint to connect to Gemini.
- Go to VM Instance anthro-vm. Select SSH and SSH into the VM
- Gain root access by typing
sudo -i
- Check the connectivity path to us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com using the
command. This will ping the IP address in the private DNS, A record for googleapis. This IP a PSC endpoint and your pings will be unsuccessful.
ping -c 2 us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com
- Check the connectivity path with a
using the automatically created DNS entry for PSC Google APIs withaiplatform-pscanthrovertex.p.googleapis.com
. This points to the IP address of the PSC endpoint and your pings will be unsuccessful.
ping -c 2 aiplatform-pscanthrovertex.p.googleapis.com
- Check the connectivity path to us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com using the
command. This should be the IP address of the PSC endpoint.
dig us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com
- Go back to the console and open another instance of VM Instance anthro-vm. Select SSH and SSH into the VM
- Gain root access by typing
sudo -i
- Run the follow command to see the connectivity in a TCP dump
sudo tcpdump -i any port 53 -n or host us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com
- Now switch back to the first SSH instance of VM Instance anthro-vm
- Activate the env using
cd py-gem-env
source env/bin/activate
- Now let's test python. Type
to activate the ipython interface.
- Now copy and paste the following. This asks Claude "What is a roti?". p.s. Replace
with the name of your project id
from anthropic import AnthropicVertex
project_id = "YOUR-Project-ID-Here"
region = "us-east5"
client = AnthropicVertex(project_id=project_id, region=region)
message = client.messages.create(
"role": "user",
"content": "What is a roti?",
- Press enter to run and see the result.
- Switch back over to the second instance of VM Instance anthro-vm. You should see the result of the TCPDUMP. You will notice in and out and the IP address of the VM is using the PSC endpoint IP address to connect to us-east5-aiplatform.googleapis.com
Close all SSH sessions to VM Instance anthro-vm
11. Congratulations
Congratulations, you've successfully connected to Anthropic on Vertex using both public API address and privately using Private Service Connect Endpoint for Googleapis. This functionality can extend private API connectivity into your on-prem/other cloud environment which are connected via (Interconnect, Cross-Cloud Interconnect and VPC).
Clean up
gcloud compute instances delete anthro-vm --zone=us-east1-b --quiet
gcloud compute routers nats delete anthro-out-nat-gw --router=anthro-out-nat --region=us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute routers delete anthro-out-nat --region=us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete anthropic-net-allow-icmp anthropic-net-allow-ssh --quiet
gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete pscanthrovertex --global
gcloud dns record-sets delete googleapis.com. --zone googleapis-private --type A
gcloud dns record-sets delete *.googleapis.com --zone googleapis-private --type CNAME
gcloud dns managed-zones delete googleapis-private
gcloud compute addresses delete anthro-ip --global
gcloud compute networks subnets delete vm-subnet --region=us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks delete anthropic-net --quiet
You can read more about Vertex AI networking