Lab: NCC VPC as a Spoke

About this codelab
schedule7 minutes
subjectLast updated July 26, 2024
account_circleWritten by Eric Yu, David Tu

1. Introduction


In this lab, users will explore how Network Connectivity Center(NCC) can be used to establish Inter-VPC connectivity at scale through the support for VPC Spokes. When users define a VPC as an VPC spoke, this enables them to connect it to multiple VPC networks together via the NCC Hub. NCC with VPC spoke configuration reduces the operational complexity of managing pairwise inter-VPC connectivity via VPC peering, instead using a centralized connectivity management model.

Recall that Network Connectivity Center (NCC) is a hub-and-spoke control plane model for network connectivity management in Google Cloud. The hub resource provides a centralized connectivity management model to interconnect spokes.

What you'll build

In this codelab, you'll build a logical hub and spoke topology with the NCC hub that will implement a fully meshed VPC connectivity fabric across three distinct VPCs.

What you'll learn

  • Full Mesh VPC Connectivity with NCC
  • Private NAT across VPC

What you'll need

  • Knowledge of GCP VPC network
  • Knowledge of Cloud Router and BGP routing
  • Two separate GCP projects
  • This Codelab requires 5 VPCs. One of those VPC(s) must reside in a separate project than the NCC hub
  • Check your Quota:Networks and request additional Networks if required, screenshot below:



  • Setup the GCP Environment
  • Configure Network Connectivity Center with VPC as spoke
  • Validate Data Path
  • Explore NCC serviceability features
  • Clean up used resources

Before you begin

Google Cloud Console and Cloud Shell

To interact with GCP, we will use both the Google Cloud Console and Cloud Shell throughout this lab.

NCC Hub Project Google Cloud Console

The Cloud Console can be reached at

Set up the following items in Google Cloud to make it easier to configure Network Connectivity Center:

In the Google Cloud Console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

Launch the Cloud Shell. This Codelab makes use of $variables to aid gcloud configuration implementation in Cloud Shell.

gcloud auth list
gcloud config list project
gcloud config set project [HUB-PROJECT-NAME]
echo $projectname
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
gcloud config set compute/region us-central1

IAM Roles

NCC requires IAM roles to access specific APIs. Be sure to configure your user with the NCC IAM roles as required.



networkconnectivity.networkAdmin - Allows network administrators to manage hub and spokes.


networkconnectivity.networkSpokeManager - Allows adding and managing spokes in a hub. To be used in Shared VPC where the host-project owns the Hub, but other admins in other projects can add spokes for their attachments to the Hub.


networkconnectivity.networkUsernetworkconnectivity.networkViewer - Allows network users to view different attributes of hub and spokes.


2. Setup the Network Environment


In this section, we'll deploy the VPC networks and firewall rules in a single project. The logical diagram illustrates the network environment that will be setup in this step.

To demonstrate cross project spoke support, in a later step, we'll deploy a VPC and firewall rules in a different project.


Create the VPCs and the Subnets

The VPC network contains subnets that you'll install GCE VM for data path validation

gcloud compute networks create vpc1-ncc --subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute networks create vpc2-ncc --subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute networks create vpc3-ncc --subnet-mode custom
gcloud compute networks create vpc4-ncc --subnet-mode custom

gcloud compute networks subnets create vpc1-ncc-subnet1 \
--network vpc1-ncc --range --region us-central1

gcloud compute networks subnets create vpc1-ncc-subnet2 \
--network vpc1-ncc --range --region us-central1

gcloud compute networks subnets create vpc1-ncc-subnet3 \
--network vpc1-ncc --range --region us-central1

gcloud compute networks subnets create vpc2-ncc-subnet1 \
--network vpc2-ncc --range --region us-central1

VPC Supported Subnet Ranges

NCC supports all valid IPv4 subnet ranges exceptprivately used public IP addresses. In this step, create valid IP ranges in VPC4 that will be imported into the hub route table.

gcloud compute networks subnets create benchmark-testing-rfc2544 \
--network vpc4-ncc --range --region us-east1

gcloud compute networks subnets create class-e-rfc5735 \
--network vpc4-ncc --range --region us-east1

gcloud compute networks subnets create ietf-protcol-assignment-rfc6890 \
--network vpc4-ncc --range --region us-east1

gcloud compute networks subnets create ipv6-4-relay-rfc7526 \
--network vpc4-ncc --range --region us-east1

gcloud compute networks subnets create pupi \
--network vpc4-ncc --range --region us-east1

gcloud compute networks subnets create test-net-1-rfc5737 \
--network vpc4-ncc --range --region us-east1

gcloud compute networks subnets create test-net-2-rfc5737 \
--network vpc4-ncc --range --region us-east1

gcloud compute networks subnets create test-net-3-rfc5737 \
--network vpc4-ncc --range --region us-east1

Create Overlapping Subnet Ranges

NCC will not import overlapping IP ranges into the hub route table. Users will work around this restriction in a later step. For now, create two overlapping Ip ranges for VPC2 and VPC3.

gcloud compute networks subnets create overlapping-vpc2 \
--network vpc3-ncc --range --region us-central1

gcloud compute networks subnets create overlapping-vpc3 \
--network vpc2-ncc --range --region us-central1

Configure VPC Firewall Rules

Configure firewall rules on each VPC to allow

  • SSH
  • Internal IAP
  • range
gcloud compute firewall-rules create ncc1-vpc-internal \
--network vpc1-ncc \
--allow all \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ncc2-vpc-internal \
--network vpc2-ncc \
--allow all \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ncc3-vpc-internal \
--network vpc3-ncc \
--allow all \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ncc4-vpc-internal \
--network vpc4-ncc \
--allow all \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ncc1-vpc-iap \
--network vpc1-ncc \
--allow all \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ncc2-vpc-iap \
--network vpc2-ncc \
--allow=tcp:22 \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ncc3-vpc-iap \
--network vpc3-ncc \
--allow=tcp:22  \

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ncc4-vpc-iap \
--network vpc4-ncc \
--allow=tcp:22  \

Configure GCE VM in Each VPC

You'll need temporary internet access to install packages on "vm1-vpc1-ncc."

Create four virtual machines, each VM will be assigned to one of the VPCs previously created

gcloud compute instances create vm1-vpc1-ncc \
--subnet vpc1-ncc-subnet1 \
  apt-get update
  apt-get install apache2 -y
  apt-get install tcpdump -y
  service apache2 restart
  echo "
<h3>Web Server: www-vm1</h3>" | tee /var/www/html/index.html'

gcloud compute instances create vm2-vpc2-ncc \
--zone us-central1-a \
--subnet vpc2-ncc-subnet1 \

gcloud compute instances create pnat-vm-vpc2 \
--zone us-central1-a \
--subnet overlapping-vpc3 \

gcloud compute instances create vm1-vpc4-ncc \
--zone us-east1-b \
--subnet class-e-rfc5735 \

3. Network Connectivity Center Hub


In this section, we'll configure a NCC Hub using gcloud commands. The NCC Hub will serve as the control plane responsible for building routing configuration between each VPC spoke.


Enable API Services

Enable the network connectivity API in case it is not yet enabled:

gcloud services enable

Create NCC Hub

Create a NCC hub using the gcloud command

gcloud network-connectivity hubs create ncc-hub

Example output

Create request issued for: [ncc-hub]
Waiting for operation [projects/user-3p-dev/locations/global/operations/operation-1668793629598-5edc24b7ee3ce-dd4c765b-5ca79556] to complete...done.     
Created hub [ncc-hub]

Describe the newly created NCC Hub. Note the name and associated path.

gcloud network-connectivity hubs describe ncc-hub
gcloud network-connectivity hubs describe ncc-hub
createTime: '2023-11-02T02:28:34.890423230Z'
name: projects/user-3p-dev/locations/global/hubs/ncc-hub
- projects/user-3p-dev/locations/global/hubs/ncc-hub/routeTables/default
state: ACTIVE
uniqueId: de749c4c-0ef8-4888-8622-1ea2d67450f8
updateTime: '2023-11-02T02:28:48.613853463Z'

NCC Hub introduced a routing table that defines the control plane for creating data connectivity. Find the name of NCC Hub's routing table

 gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables list --hub=ncc-hub
NAME: default
HUB: ncc-hub

Find the URI of the NCC default route table.

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables describe default --hub=ncc-hub
createTime: '2023-02-24T17:32:58.786269098Z'
name: projects/user-3p-dev/locations/global/hubs/ncc-hub/routeTables/default
state: ACTIVE
uid: eb1fdc35-2209-46f3-a8d6-ad7245bfae0b
updateTime: '2023-02-24T17:33:01.852456186Z'

List the contents of the NCC Hub's default routing table. Note* NCC Hub's route table will be empty until spokes are

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes list --hub=ncc-hub --route_table=default

The NCC Hub's route table should be empty.

4. NCC with VPC Spokes


In this section, you'll configure three VPC(s) as a NCC Spoke using gcloud commands.


Configure VPC(s) as a NCC Spoke

Configure the following VPC(s) as as NCC Spoke in this order

  • VPC4
  • VPC1
  • VPC2
  • VPC3

Configure VPC4 as an NCC spoke and assign it to the NCC hub that was previously created. NCC spoke API calls require a location to be specified. The flag "–global" simplifies the gcloud syntax by allowing the user to avoid specifying a full URI path when configuring a new NCC spoke.

gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network create vpc4-spoke4 \
--hub=ncc-hub \
--vpc-network=vpc4-ncc \

Configure VPC1 as an NCC spoke.

Administrators can exclude subnet routes from being exported from a VPC spoke into the NCC hub's route table. In this part of the codelab, create an exclude export rule based on a summary prefix to prevent VPC1's subnet from exporting into the NCC Hub route table.

Use this gcloud command to list all subnets belonging to VPC1.

gcloud config set accessibility/screen_reader false
gcloud compute networks subnets list --network=vpc1-ncc

Note the pair of /25 subnets previously created in the setup section.

NAME              REGION       NETWORK   RANGE          STACK_TYPE  
vpc1-ncc-subnet1  us-central1  vpc1-ncc    IPV4_ONLY
vpc1-ncc-subnet2  us-central1  vpc1-ncc    IPV4_ONLY
vpc1-ncc-subnet3  us-central1  vpc1-ncc  IPV4_ONLY

Configure VPC1 as an NCC spoke and exclude the pair of /25 subnets from being imported into the hub routing table by using the "export-exclude-ranges" keyword to filter the /24 summary route from that specific range..

gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network create vpc1-spoke1 \
--hub=ncc-hub \
--vpc-network=vpc1-ncc \
--exclude-export-ranges= \

Note* Users can filter up to 16 unique IP ranges per NCC spoke.

List the contents of the NCC Hub's default routing table. What happened to the pair of /25 subnets on NCC Hub's routing table?

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes list --hub=ncc-hub --route_table=default --filter="NEXT_HOP:vpc1-ncc"
IP_CIDR_RANGE  STATE   TYPE                  NEXT_HOP  HUB      ROUTE_TABLE    ACTIVE  VPC_PRIMARY_SUBNET    vpc1-ncc  ncc-hub  default

Configure VPC2 as an NCC spoke

gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network create vpc2-spoke2 \
--hub=ncc-hub \
--vpc-network=vpc2-ncc \

Configure VPC3 as an NCC spoke and assign it to the NCC hub that was previously created.

gcloud  network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network create vpc3-spoke3 \
--hub=ncc-hub \
--vpc-network=vpc3-ncc \

What happened?

ERROR: ( Invalid resource state for "": (SUBNETWORK) overlaps with (SUBNETWORK) from "projects/user-3p-dev/global/networks/vpc2-ncc" (peer)

NCC Hub detected overlapping IP range with VPC2. Recall that VPC2 and VPC3 were both setup with the same IP subnet.

Filtering Overlapping IP ranges with Exclude Export

At the time of writing this codelab, it is a known issue where users must delete and re-create NCC spokes to make configuration changes to the export filter.

gcloud network-connectivity spokes delete vpc2-spoke2 --global --quiet

Note: Deleting a VPC spoke associated with a specific VPC requires a 10 minute cool down period to expire in order to re-create a new spoke that references that same VPC.

gcloud  network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network create vpc2-spoke2 \
--hub=ncc-hub \
--vpc-network=vpc2-ncc \
--exclude-export-ranges= \

Configure VPC3 as an NCC spoke and assign it to the NCC hub that was previously created. This attempt to add the VPC3 as a spoke to NCC should succeed.

gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network create vpc3-spoke3 \
--hub=ncc-hub \
--vpc-network=vpc3-ncc \
--exclude-export-ranges= \

List the contents of the NCC Hub's default routing table and examine the output.

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes list --hub=ncc-hub --route_table=default

The overlapping IP ranges from VPC2 and VPC3 are excluded. NCC Hub routing table supports all valid IPv4 valid range types except for privately used public IP addresses (PUPI).

5. NCC with Cross Project Spokes


So far, you've configured NCC spokes that belong in the same project as the Hub. In this section, you'll configure VPC as a NCC Spoke from a separate project other than the NCC Hub using gcloud commands.

This allows project owners who are managing their own VPC's to participate in network connectivity with NCC Hub.


Cross Project: Google Cloud Console and Cloud Shell

To interact with GCP, we will use both the Google Cloud Console and Cloud Shell throughout this lab.

Cross Project Spoke Google Cloud Console

The Cloud Console can be reached at

Set up the following items in Google Cloud to make it easier to configure Network Connectivity Center:

In the Google Cloud Console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

Launch the Cloud Shell. This Codelab makes use of $variables to aid gcloud configuration implementation in Cloud Shell.

gcloud auth list
gcloud config list project
gcloud config set project [YOUR-CROSSPROJECT-NAME]
echo $xprojname
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
gcloud config set compute/region us-central1

IAM Roles

NCC requires IAM roles to access specific APIs. Be sure to configure your user with the NCC IAM roles as required.

At a minimum, the cross project spoke administrator must be granted the IAM role: "networkconnectivity.networkSpokeManager. "

The table below lists the IAM role required for NCC Hub and Spoke admin for reference.



networkconnectivity.networkAdmin - Allows network administrators to manage hub and spokes.


networkconnectivity.networkSpokeManager - Allows adding and managing spokes in a hub. To be used in Shared VPC where the host-project owns the Hub, but other admins in other projects can add spokes for their attachments to the Hub.


networkconnectivity.networkUsernetworkconnectivity.networkViewer - Allows network users to view different attributes of hub and spokes.


Create the VPCs and the Subnets in the Cross Project

The VPC network contains subnets that you'll install GCE VM for data path validation

gcloud compute networks create xproject-vpc \
--subnet-mode custom

gcloud compute networks subnets create xprj-net-1 \
--network xproject-vpc \
--range \
--region us-central1

NCC Hub Project URI

Use this gcloud command to find the NCC Hub URI. You'll need the URI path to configure the cross project NCC spoke in the next step.

gcloud network-connectivity hubs describe ncc-hub

Cross Project Spoke VPC

Login to the other project where the VPC is NOT part of the NCC Hub project. On cloudshell, use this command to configure a VPC as an NCC spoke.

  • HUB_URI should be the URI of a hub in a different project.
  • VPC_URI should be in the same project as the spoke
  • VPC-network specifies the VPC in this cross project will join the NCC Hub in another project
gcloud network-connectivity spokes linked-vpc-network create xproj-spoke \
--hub=projects/[YOUR-PROJECT-NAME]/locations/global/hubs/ncc-hub \
--global \


Create request issued for: [xproj-spoke]
Waiting for operation [projects/xproject/locations/global/operations/operation-1689790411247-600dafd351158-2b862329-19b747f1] to complete...done.                           
Created spoke [xproj-spoke].
createTime: '2023-07-19T18:13:31.388500663Z'
hub: projects/[YOUR-PROJECT-NAME]/locations/global/hubs/ncc-hub
name: projects/xproject/locations/global/spokes/xproj-spoke
  message: Spoke is Pending Review
spokeType: VPC_NETWORK
uniqueId: 46b4d091-89e2-4760-a15d-c244dcb7ad69
updateTime: '2023-07-19T18:13:38.652800902Z'

What is the state of the cross project NCC spoke? Why?

6. Reject or Accepting Cross Project Spoke


NCC Hub admins must explicitly accept a cross project spoke to join the hub. This prevents project owners from attaching rogue NCC spokes to the NCC global routing table. Once a spoke has been accepted or rejected, it can subsequently be rejected or accepted as many times as desired by running the commands above.

Return to the project where the NCC hub is located by logging into cloud shell.

Identify the Cross Project Spokes to Review

gcloud network-connectivity hubs list-spokes ncc-hub \

Accepting a spoke

gcloud network-connectivity spokes accept xproj-spoke --global

Optional: Rejecting a spoke

gcloud network-connectivity spokes reject xproj-spoke \
--global \
--details="some reason to reject"

Listing the Active Spokes on Hub

gcloud network-connectivity hubs list-spokes ncc-hub \
Xproj-spoke     xproj            global    VPC_NETWORK  ACTIVE
vpc4-spoke4     user-3p-dev      global    VPC_NETWORK  ACTIVE
vpc1-spoke1     user-3p-dev      global    VPC_NETWORK  ACTIVE
vpc2-spoke2     user-3p-dev      global    VPC_NETWORK  ACTIVE
vpc3-spoke3     user-3p-dev      global    VPC_NETWORK  ACTIVE

List subnet routes on the Hub

From the output, can you see the subnet routes from the cross VPC spoke?

gcloud network-connectivity hubs route-tables routes list \
--route_table=default \
--hub=ncc-hub \
IP_CIDR_RANGE  STATE   TYPE                NEXT_HOP  HUB      ROUTE_TABLE  ACTIVE  VPC_PRIMARY_SUBNET  xprj-vpc  ncc-hub  default

7. Private NAT Between VPC(s)


In this section, you'll configure private NAT for overlapping subnet ranges between two VPCs. Note that private NAT between VPC(s) requires NCC.

In the previous section VPC2 and VPC3 are configured with an overlapping subnet range of "" Both VPC(s) are configured as an NCC spoke to exclude the overlapping subnet from being inserted into the NCC hub route table, which means there is no layer 3 data path to reach hosts that reside on that subnet.

Use these commands in the NCC hub project to find the overlapping subnet range(s).

gcloud compute networks subnets list --network vpc2-ncc

gcloud compute networks subnets list --network vpc3-ncc

On vpc2-ncc, what is the subnet name that contains the overlapping IP Range?

*Note and save the subnet name somewhere. You'll configure source NAT for this range.

Configure Private NAT

Dedicate a routable subnet range to source NAT traffic from VPC2's overlapping subnet. By configuring a non-overlapping subnet range using the "–purpose=PRIVATE_NAT" flag.

gcloud compute networks subnets create ncc2-spoke-nat \
--network=vpc2-ncc \
--region=us-central1 \
--range= \

Create a dedicated cloud router to perform private NAT

gcloud compute routers create private-nat-cr \
--network vpc2-ncc \
--region us-central1

Configure cloud router to source NAT the overlapping range of from vpc2-ncc. In the example configuration below, "overlapping-vpc3" is the name of the overlapping subnet. The "ALL" keyword specifies that all IP ranges in the subnet will be source NAT'd.

gcloud compute routers nats create ncc2-nat \
--router=private-nat-cr \
--type=PRIVATE \
--nat-custom-subnet-ip-ranges=overlapping-vpc3:ALL \

The previous steps created a pool of NAT IP ranges and the specific subnet that will be translated. In this step, create NAT Rule "1" that translates network packets matching traffic sourced from the overlapping subnet range if the destination network takes a path from the NCC hub routing table.

gcloud compute routers nats rules create 1 \
--router=private-nat-cr \
--region=us-central1 \
--match='nexthop.hub == "//$projectname/locations/global/hubs/ncc-hub"' \
--source-nat-active-ranges=ncc2-spoke-nat \

Verify the Private NAT

gcloud compute routers nats describe ncc2-nat --router=private-nat-cr

Example output

enableDynamicPortAllocation: true
enableEndpointIndependentMapping: false
name: ncc2-nat
- action:
  match: nexthop.hub == "//"
  ruleNumber: 1
sourceSubnetworkIpRangesToNat: LIST_OF_SUBNETWORKS
- name:


  • Switch to the web console
  • navigate to "Network Services > Cloud NAT > ncc2-nat"

Verify that dynamic port allocation is enabled by default.


Next, you'll verify the data path that uses the private NAT path configured for VPC2.


Open a SSH session to "vm1-vpc1-ncc" and use tcpdump command below to capture packets sourced from the NAT pool range ""


sudo tcpdump -i any net -n

At the time of writing this codelab, private NAT does not support ICMP packets. SSH session to "pNat-vm-vpc2" and use the curl command as shown below to connect to "vm1-vpc1-ncc" on port TCP 80.


curl -v 

Examine tcpdump's output on "vm1-vpc1-ncc." What is the source IP address that originated the TCP session to our web server on "vm1-vpc1-ncc."

tcpdump: data link type LINUX_SLL2
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v[v]... for full protocol decode
listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL2 (Linux cooked v2), snapshot length 262144 bytes
19:05:27.504761 ens4  In  IP > Flags [S], seq 2386228656, win 65320, options [mss 1420,sackOK,TS val 3955849029 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
19:05:27.504805 ens4  Out IP > Flags [S.], seq 48316785, ack 2386228657, win 64768, options [mss 1420,sackOK,TS val 1815983704 ecr 3955849029,nop,wscale 7], length 0
<output snipped>

8. Verify Data Path Connectivity

Refer to the diagram, verify the data path between each virtual machine.


SSH to "vm1-vpc1-ncc" and start TCP dump to trace ICMP packets from " vm2-vpc2-ncc." As a reminder this VM resides on VPC2.


sudo tcpdump -i any icmp -v -e -n

Establish a SSH session to "vm1-vpc2-ncc" and "ping" the ip address of "vm1-vpc1-ncc."



Establish a SSH to "vm1-vpc2-ncc" and "ping" the ip address of "vm1-vpc4-ncc."



9. Clean Up

Login to cloud shell and delete VM instances in the hub and branch site networks

Delete private VPC Nat configurations

gcloud compute routers nats rules delete 1 \
--nat=ncc2-nat \
--router=private-nat-cr \
--region=us-central1 \

gcloud compute routers nats delete ncc2-nat \
--router=private-nat-cr \
--router-region=us-central1 \

gcloud compute routers delete private-nat-cr \
--region=us-central1 \

Delete ncc spokes

gcloud network-connectivity spokes delete vpc1-spoke1 --global --quiet

gcloud network-connectivity spokes delete vpc2-spoke2 --global --quiet

gcloud network-connectivity spokes delete vpc3-spoke3 --global --quiet

gcloud network-connectivity spokes delete vpc4-spoke4 --global --quiet

Reject cross project spoke

Reject the cross project VPC spoke from the NCC hub.

gcloud network-connectivity spokes reject projects/$xprojname/locations/global/spokes/xproj-spoke \--details="cleanup" \

Delete NCC Hub

gcloud network-connectivity hubs delete ncc-hub --quiet

Delete Firewall Rules

gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ncc1-vpc-internal --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ncc2-vpc-internal --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ncc3-vpc-internal --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ncc4-vpc-internal --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ncc1-vpc-iap --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ncc2-vpc-iap --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ncc3-vpc-iap --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete ncc4-vpc-iap --quiet

Delete GCE Instances

gcloud compute instances delete vm1-vpc1-ncc --zone=us-central1-a --quiet
gcloud compute instances delete vm2-vpc2-ncc --zone=us-central1-a --quiet
gcloud compute instances delete pnat-vm-vpc2 --zone=us-central1-a --quiet
gcloud compute instances delete vm1-vpc4-ncc --zone=us-east1-b --quiet

Delete VPC Subnets

gcloud compute networks subnets delete ncc2-spoke-nat --region us-central1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete vpc1-ncc-subnet1 --region us-central1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete vpc1-ncc-subnet2 --region us-central1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete vpc1-ncc-subnet3 --region us-central1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete vpc2-ncc-subnet1 --region us-central1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete overlapping-vpc2 --region us-central1 --quiet 
gcloud compute networks subnets delete overlapping-vpc3 --region us-central1 --quiet

gcloud compute networks subnets delete benchmark-testing-rfc2544 --region us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete class-e-rfc5735 --region us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete ietf-protcol-assignment-rfc6890 --region us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete ipv6-4-relay-rfc7526 --region us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete pupi --region us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete test-net-1-rfc5737 --region us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete test-net-2-rfc5737 --region us-east1 --quiet
gcloud compute networks subnets delete test-net-3-rfc5737 --region us-east1 --quiet

Delete VPC(s)

gcloud compute networks delete vpc1-ncc vpc2-ncc vpc3-ncc vpc4-ncc 

10. Congratulations!

You have completed the Network Connectivity Center Lab!

What you covered

  • Configured Full Mesh VPC Peering network with NCC Hub
  • NCC Spoke Exclude Filter
  • Cross Project Spoke Support
  • Private NAT between VPC

Next Steps

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