Running a Hadoop wordcount job on a Dataproc cluster

Running a Hadoop wordcount job on a Dataproc cluster

About this codelab

subjectLast updated Oct 12, 2020
account_circleWritten by a Googler

1. Introduction

Workflows are a common use case in data analytics - they involve ingesting, transforming, and analyzing data to find the meaningful information within. In Google Cloud Platform, the tool for orchestrating workflows is Cloud Composer, which is a hosted version of the popular open source workflow tool Apache Airflow. In this lab, you will use Cloud Composer to create a simple workflow that creates a Cloud Dataproc cluster, analyzes it using Cloud Dataproc and Apache Hadoop, then deletes the Cloud Dataproc cluster afterwards.

Cloud Composer is a fully managed workflow orchestration service that empowers you to author, schedule, and monitor pipelines that span across clouds and on-premises data centers. Built on the popular Apache Airflow open source project and operated using the Python programming language, Cloud Composer is free from lock-in and easy to use.

By using Cloud Composer instead of a local instance of Apache Airflow, users can benefit from the best of Airflow with no installation or management overhead.

What is Apache Airflow?

Apache Airflow is an open source tool used to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. There are a few key terms to remember relating to Airflow that you'll see throughout the lab:

  • DAG - a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is a collection of organized tasks that you want to schedule and run. DAGs, also called workflows, are defined in standard Python files
  • Operator - an operator describes a single task in a workflow

What is Cloud Dataproc?

Cloud Dataproc is Google Cloud Platform's fully-managed Apache Spark and Apache Hadoop service. Cloud Dataproc easily integrates with other GCP services, giving you a powerful and complete platform for data processing, analytics and machine learning.

What you'll do

This codelab shows you how to create and run an Apache Airflow workflow in Cloud Composer that completes the following tasks:

  • Creates a Cloud Dataproc cluster
  • Runs an Apache Hadoop wordcount job on the cluster, and outputs its results to Cloud Storage
  • Deletes the cluster

What you'll learn

  • How to create and run an Apache Airflow workflow in Cloud Composer
  • How to use Cloud Composer and Cloud Dataproc to run an analytic on a dataset
  • How to access your Cloud Composer environment through the Google Cloud Platform Console, Cloud SDK, and Airflow web interface

What you'll need

  • GCP account
  • Basic CLI knowledge
  • Basic understanding of Python

2. Setting Up GCP

Create the Project

Select or create a Google Cloud Platform Project.

Take note of your Project ID, which you will use in later steps.

If you're creating a new project, the project ID is found right below the Project Name on the creation page

If you've already created a project, you can find the ID on the console homepage in the Project Info card

Enable the APIs

Enable the Cloud Composer, Cloud Dataproc, and Cloud Storage APIs.Once they are enabled, you can ignore the button that says "Go to Credentials" and proceed to the next step of the tutorial.

Create Composer Environment

Create a Cloud Composer environment with the following configuration:

  • Name: my-composer-environment
  • Location: us-central1
  • Zone: us-central1-a

All other configurations can remain at their default. Click "Create" at the bottom.

Create Cloud Storage Bucket

In your project, create a Cloud Storage bucket with the following configuration:

  • Name: <your-project-id>
  • Default storage class: Multi-regional
  • Location: United States
  • Access Control Model: fine-grained

Press "Create" when you're ready

3. Setting Up Apache Airflow

Viewing Composer Environment Information

In the GCP Console, open the Environments page

Click the name of the environment to see its details.

The Environment details page provides information, such as the Airflow web interface URL, Google Kubernetes Engine cluster ID, name of the Cloud Storage bucket, and path for the /dags folder.

In Airflow, a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) is a collection of organized tasks that you want to schedule and run. DAGs, also called workflows, are defined in standard Python files. Cloud Composer only schedules the DAGs in the /dags folder. The /dags folder is in the Cloud Storage bucket that Cloud Composer creates automatically when you create your environment.

Setting Apache Airflow Environment Variables

Apache Airflow variables are an Airflow-specific concept that is distinct from environment variables. In this step, you'll set the following three Airflow variables: gcp_project, gcs_bucket, and gce_zone.

Using gcloud to Set Variables

First, open up your Cloud Shell, which has the Cloud SDK conveniently installed for you.

Set the environment variable COMPOSER_INSTANCE to the name of your Composer environment


To set Airflow variables using the gcloud command-line tool, use the gcloud composer environments run command with the variables sub-command. This gcloud composer command executes the Airflow CLI sub-command variables. The sub-command passes the arguments to the gcloud command line tool.

You'll run this command three times, replacing the variables with the ones relevant to your project.

Set the gcp_project using the following command, replacing <your-project-id> with the project ID you took note of in Step 2.

gcloud composer environments run ${COMPOSER_INSTANCE} \
    --location us-central1 variables -- --set gcp_project <your-project-id>

Your output will look something like this

kubeconfig entry generated for us-central1-my-composer-env-123abc-gke.
Executing within the following Kubernetes cluster namespace: composer-1-10-0-airflow-1-10-2-123abc
[2020-04-17 20:42:49,713] {} INFO - settings.configure_orm(): Using pool settings. pool_size=5, pool_recycle=1800, pid=449
[2020-04-17 20:42:50,123] {} WARNING - You have configured a result_backend of redis://airflow-redis-service.default.svc.cluste
r.local:6379/0, it is highly recommended to use an alternative result_backend (i.e. a database).
[2020-04-17 20:42:50,127] {} INFO - Using executor CeleryExecutor
[2020-04-17 20:42:50,433] {} WARNING - Using default Composer Environment Variables. Overrides have not been applied.
[2020-04-17 20:42:50,440] {} INFO - Reading the config from /etc/airflow/airflow.cfg
[2020-04-17 20:42:50,452] {} INFO - Reading the config from /etc/airflow/airflow.cfg

Set the gcs_bucket using the following command, replacing <your-bucket-name> with the bucket ID you took note of in Step 2. If you followed our recommendation, your bucket name is the same as your project ID. Your output will be similar to the previous command.

gcloud composer environments run ${COMPOSER_INSTANCE} \
    --location us-central1 variables -- --set gcs_bucket gs://<your-bucket-name>

Set the gce_zone using the following command. Your output will be similar to the previous commands.

gcloud composer environments run ${COMPOSER_INSTANCE} \
    --location us-central1 variables -- --set gce_zone us-central1-a

(Optional) Using gcloud to view a variable

To see the value of a variable, run the Airflow CLI sub-command variables with the get argument or use the Airflow UI.

For example:

gcloud composer environments run ${COMPOSER_INSTANCE} \
    --location us-central1 variables -- --get gcs_bucket

You can do this with any of the three variables you just set: gcp_project, gcs_bucket, and gce_zone.

4. Sample Workflow

Let's take a look at the code for the DAG we'll be using in step 5. Don't worry about downloading files yet, just follow along here.

There's a lot to unpack here, so let's break it down a bit.

from airflow import models
from airflow.contrib.operators import dataproc_operator
from airflow.utils import trigger_rule

We start off with some Airflow imports:

  • airflow.models - Allows us to access and create data in the Airflow database.
  • airflow.contrib.operators - Where operators from the community live. In this case, we need the dataproc_operator to access the Cloud Dataproc API.
  • airflow.utils.trigger_rule - For adding trigger rules to our operators. Trigger rules allow fine-grained control over whether an operator should execute in relation to the status of its parents.
output_file = os.path.join(
.Variable.get('gcs_bucket'), 'wordcount',
    datetime'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')) + os.sep

This specifies the location of our output file. The notable line here is models.Variable.get('gcs_bucket') which will grab the gcs_bucket variable value from the Airflow database.


= 'gs://pub/shakespeare/rose.txt'

= ['wordcount', input_file, output_file]
  • WORDCOUNT_JAR - Location of the .jar file we'll eventually run on the Cloud Dataproc cluster. It is already hosted on GCP for you.
  • input_file - Location of the file containing the data our Hadoop job will eventually compute on. We'll upload the data to that location together in Step 5.
  • wordcount_args - Arguments that we'll pass into the jar file.
yesterday = datetime.datetime.combine(
    datetime - datetime.timedelta(1),

This will give us a datetime object equivalent representing midnight on the previous day. For instance, if this is executed at 11:00 on March 4th, the datetime object would represent 00:00 on March 3rd. This has to do with how Airflow handles scheduling. More info on that can be found here.

default_dag_args = {
'start_date': yesterday,
'email_on_failure': False,
'email_on_retry': False,
'retries': 1,
'retry_delay': datetime.timedelta(minutes=5),
'project_id': models.Variable.get('gcp_project')

The default_dag_args variable in the form of a dictionary should be supplied whenever a new DAG is created:

  • 'email_on_failure' - Indicates whether email alerts should be sent when a task failed
  • 'email_on_retry' - Indicates whether email alerts should be sent when a task is retried
  • 'retries' - Denotes how many retry attempts Airflow should make in the case of a DAG failure
  • 'retry_delay' - Denotes how long Airflow should wait before attempting a retry
  • 'project_id' - Tells the DAG what GCP Project ID to associate it with, which will be needed later with the Dataproc Operator
with models.DAG(
=default_dag_args) as dag:

Using with models.DAG tells the script to include everything below it inside of the same DAG. We also see three arguments passed in:

  • The first, a string, is the name to give the DAG that we're creating. In this case, we're using composer_hadoop_tutorial.
  • schedule_interval - A datetime.timedelta object, which here we have set to one day. This means that this DAG will attempt to execute once a day after the 'start_date' that was set earlier in 'default_dag_args'
  • default_args - The dictionary we created earlier containing the default arguments for the DAG

Create a Dataproc Cluster

Next, we'll create a dataproc_operator.DataprocClusterCreateOperator which creates a Cloud Dataproc Cluster.

    create_dataproc_cluster = dataproc_operator.DataprocClusterCreateOperator(
        cluster_name='composer-hadoop-tutorial-cluster-{{ ds_nodash }}',

Within this operator, we see a few arguments, all but the first of which are specific to this operator:

  • task_id - Just like in the BashOperator, this is the name we assign to the operator, which is viewable from the Airflow UI
  • cluster_name - The name we assign the Cloud Dataproc cluster. Here, we've named it composer-hadoop-tutorial-cluster-{{ ds_nodash }} (see info box for optional additional information)
  • num_workers - The number of workers we allocate to the Cloud Dataproc cluster
  • zone - The geographical region where we want the cluster to live, as saved within the Airflow database. This will read the 'gce_zone' variable we set in Step 3
  • master_machine_type - The type of machine we want to allocate to the Cloud Dataproc master
  • worker_machine_type - The type of machine we want to allocate to the Cloud Dataproc worker

Submit an Apache Hadoop Job

The dataproc_operator.DataProcHadoopOperator allows us to submit a job to a Cloud Dataproc cluster.

    run_dataproc_hadoop = dataproc_operator.DataProcHadoopOperator(
='composer-hadoop-tutorial-cluster-{{ ds_nodash }}',

We provide several parameters:

  • task_id - Name we assign to this piece of the DAG
  • main_jar - Location of the .jar file we wish to run against the cluster
  • cluster_name - Name of the cluster to run the job against, which you'll notice is identical to what we find in the previous operator
  • arguments - Arguments that get passed into the jar file, as you would if executing the .jar file from the command line

Delete the Cluster

The last operator we'll create is the dataproc_operator.DataprocClusterDeleteOperator.

    delete_dataproc_cluster = dataproc_operator.DataprocClusterDeleteOperator(
='composer-hadoop-tutorial-cluster-{{ ds_nodash }}',

As the name suggests, this operator will delete a given Cloud Dataproc cluster. We see three arguments here:

  • task_id - Just like in the BashOperator, this is the name we assign to the operator, which is viewable from the Airflow UI
  • cluster_name - The name we assign the Cloud Dataproc cluster. Here, we've named it composer-hadoop-tutorial-cluster-{{ ds_nodash }} (see info box after "Create a Dataproc Cluster" for optional additional information)
  • trigger_rule - We mentioned Trigger Rules briefly during the imports at the beginning of this step, but here we have one in action. By default, an Airflow operator does not execute unless all of its upstream operators have successfully completed. The ALL_DONE trigger rule only requires that all upstream operators have completed, regardless of whether or not they were successful. Here this means that even if the Hadoop job failed, we still want to tear the cluster down.
  create_dataproc_cluster >> run_dataproc_hadoop >> delete_dataproc_cluster

Lastly, we want these operators to execute in a particular order, and we can denote this by using Python bitshift operators. In this case, create_dataproc_cluster will always execute first, followed by run_dataproc_hadoop and finally delete_dataproc_cluster.

Putting it all together, the code looks like this:

# Copyright 2018 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# [START composer_hadoop_tutorial]
"""Example Airflow DAG that creates a Cloud Dataproc cluster, runs the Hadoop
wordcount example, and deletes the cluster.

This DAG relies on three Airflow variables
* gcp_project - Google Cloud Project to use for the Cloud Dataproc cluster.
* gce_zone - Google Compute Engine zone where Cloud Dataproc cluster should be
* gcs_bucket - Google Cloud Storage bucket to use for result of Hadoop job.
  See for creating a

import datetime
import os

from airflow import models
from airflow.contrib.operators import dataproc_operator
from airflow.utils import trigger_rule

# Output file for Cloud Dataproc job.
output_file = os.path.join(
    models.Variable.get('gcs_bucket'), 'wordcount','%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')) + os.sep
# Path to Hadoop wordcount example available on every Dataproc cluster.
# Arguments to pass to Cloud Dataproc job.
input_file = 'gs://pub/shakespeare/rose.txt'

wordcount_args = ['wordcount', input_file, output_file]

yesterday = datetime.datetime.combine( - datetime.timedelta(1),

default_dag_args = {
    # Setting start date as yesterday starts the DAG immediately when it is
    # detected in the Cloud Storage bucket.
    'start_date': yesterday,
    # To email on failure or retry set 'email' arg to your email and enable
    # emailing here.
    'email_on_failure': False,
    'email_on_retry': False,
    # If a task fails, retry it once after waiting at least 5 minutes
    'retries': 1,
    'retry_delay': datetime.timedelta(minutes=5),
    'project_id': models.Variable.get('gcp_project')

# [START composer_hadoop_schedule]
with models.DAG(
        # Continue to run DAG once per day
        default_args=default_dag_args) as dag:
    # [END composer_hadoop_schedule]

    # Create a Cloud Dataproc cluster.
    create_dataproc_cluster = dataproc_operator.DataprocClusterCreateOperator(
        # Give the cluster a unique name by appending the date scheduled.
        # See
        cluster_name='composer-hadoop-tutorial-cluster-{{ ds_nodash }}',

    # Run the Hadoop wordcount example installed on the Cloud Dataproc cluster
    # master node.
    run_dataproc_hadoop = dataproc_operator.DataProcHadoopOperator(
        cluster_name='composer-hadoop-tutorial-cluster-{{ ds_nodash }}',

    # Delete Cloud Dataproc cluster.
    delete_dataproc_cluster = dataproc_operator.DataprocClusterDeleteOperator(
        cluster_name='composer-hadoop-tutorial-cluster-{{ ds_nodash }}',
        # Setting trigger_rule to ALL_DONE causes the cluster to be deleted
        # even if the Dataproc job fails.

    # [START composer_hadoop_steps]
    # Define DAG dependencies.
    create_dataproc_cluster >> run_dataproc_hadoop >> delete_dataproc_cluster
    # [END composer_hadoop_steps]

# [END composer_hadoop]

5. Upload Airflow Files to Cloud Storage

Copy the DAG to Your /dags Folder

  1. First, open up your Cloud Shell, which has the Cloud SDK conveniently installed for you.
  2. Clone the python samples repo and change to the composer/workflows directory
git clone && cd python-docs-samples/composer/workflows
  1. Run the following command to set the name of your DAGs folder to an environment variable
DAGS_FOLDER=$(gcloud composer environments describe ${COMPOSER_INSTANCE} \
--location us-central1 --format="value(config.dagGcsPrefix)")
  1. Run the following gsutil command to copy the tutorial code to where your /dags folder is created
gsutil cp $DAGS_FOLDER

Your output will look something like this:

Copying file:// [Content-Type=text/x-python]...
/ [1 files][  4.1 KiB/  4.1 KiB]
Operation completed over 1 objects/4.1 KiB.

6. Using the Airflow UI

To access the Airflow web interface using the GCP console:

  1. Open the Environments page.
  2. In the Airflow webserver column for the environment, click the new window icon. The Airflow web UI opens in a new browser window.

For information about the Airflow UI, see Accessing the web interface.

View Variables

The variables you set earlier are persisted in your environment. You can view the variables by selecting Admin > Variables from the Airflow UI menu bar.

List tab is selected and shows a table with the following keys and values key: gcp_project, value: project-id key: gcs_bucket, value: gs://bucket-name key: gce_zone, value: zone

Exploring DAG Runs

When you upload your DAG file to the dags folder in Cloud Storage, Cloud Composer parses the file. If no errors are found, the name of the workflow appears in the DAG listing, and the workflow is queued to run immediately. To look at your DAGs, click on DAGs at the top of the page.


Click composer_hadoop_tutorial to open the DAG details page. This page includes a graphical representation of workflow tasks and dependencies.


Now, in the toolbar, click Graph View and then mouseover the graphic for each task to see its status. Note that the border around each task also indicates the status (green border = running; red = failed, etc.).


To run the workflow again from the Graph View:

  1. In the Airflow UI Graph View, click the create_dataproc_cluster graphic.
  2. Click Clear to reset the three tasks and then click OK to confirm.


You can also check the status and results of the composer-hadoop-tutorial workflow by going to the following GCP Console pages:

  • Cloud Dataproc Clusters to monitor cluster creation and deletion. Note that the cluster created by the workflow is ephemeral: it only exists for the duration of the workflow and is deleted as part of the last workflow task.
  • Cloud Dataproc Jobs to view or monitor the Apache Hadoop wordcount job. Click the Job ID to see job log output.
  • Cloud Storage Browser to see the results of the wordcount in the wordcount folder in the Cloud Storage bucket you created for this codelab.

7. Cleanup

To avoid incurring charges to your GCP account for the resources used in this codelab:

  1. (Optional) To save your data, download the data from the Cloud Storage bucket for the Cloud Composer environment and the storage bucket you created for this codelab.
  2. Delete the Cloud Storage bucket you created for this codelab.
  3. Delete the Cloud Storage bucket for the environment.
  4. Delete the Cloud Composer environment. Note that deleting your environment does not delete the storage bucket for the environment.

You can also optionally delete the project:

  1. In the GCP Console, go to the Projects page.
  2. In the project list, select the project you want to delete and click Delete.
  3. In the box, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.