使用 Flutter 构建字谜游戏

1. 准备工作

想象一下,被问及世界上最大的填字游戏有没有可能创建出来。您回想起自己在学校学习的一些 AI 技术,想知道是否可以使用 Flutter 探索算法选项,从而为计算密集型问题创建解决方案。

在本 Codelab 中,您就是这样做的。最后,您将构建一个工具,在用于构建文字网格谜题的算法空间中玩耍。有效的填字游戏有很多不同的定义,这些技巧可以帮助您按照自己的定义构建谜题。


以这款工具为基础,你就能制作填字游戏,使用填字游戏生成器来打造可供用户解开的谜题。此谜题可在 Android、iOS、Windows、macOS 和 Linux 上使用。在 Android 设备上,你可以这样操作:

屏幕截图:一个在 Pixel Fold 模拟器上解开填字游戏过程中的填字游戏。



  • 如何使用分离来完成计算开销大的工作,同时又不会通过结合使用 Flutter 的 compute 函数和 Riverpod 的 select 重新构建过滤器的值缓存功能来阻止 Flutter 的渲染循环。
  • 如何通过 built_valuebuilt_collection 充分利用不可变的数据结构,使基于搜索的 Good Old Fashioned (GOFAI) 技术易于实现,例如深度优先搜索和回溯。
  • 如何使用 two_dimensional_scrollables 软件包的功能快速直观地显示网格数据。


  • Flutter SDK
  • 安装了 Flutter 和 Dart 插件Visual Studio Code (VS Code)。
  • 适用于所选开发目标的编译器软件。此 Codelab 适用于所有桌面平台、Android 和 iOS。您需要使用 VS Code 以 Windows 为目标,并使用 Xcode 以 macOS 或 iOS 为目标,使用 Android Studio 以以 Android 为目标平台。

2. 创建项目

创建您的第一个 Flutter 项目

  1. 启动 VS Code。
  2. 在命令行中,输入 flutter new,然后在菜单中选择 Flutter: New Project

VS Code 的屏幕截图,其中显示了

  1. 选择 Empty application,然后选择要在其中创建项目的目录。该目录应该是任何不需要提升权限或路径中含有空格的目录。例如您的主目录或 C:\src\

VS Code 屏幕截图,其中包含在新应用流程中选中的“Empty Application”(空白应用)

  1. 将您的项目命名为 generate_crossword。此 Codelab 的其余部分假定您将应用命名为 generate_crossword

VS Code 的屏幕截图,其中显示了

现在,Flutter 会创建项目文件夹,然后在 VS Code 中打开该文件夹。现在,您将使用应用的基本基架来覆盖两个文件的内容。


  1. 在 VS Code 的左侧窗格中,点击 Explorer 并打开 pubspec.yaml 文件。

VS Code 的部分屏幕截图,其中箭头突出显示 pubspec.yaml 文件的位置

  1. 将此文件的内容替换为以下内容。


name: generate_crossword
description: "A new Flutter project."
publish_to: 'none'
version: 0.1.0

  sdk: '>=3.3.3 <4.0.0'

  built_collection: ^5.1.1
  built_value: ^8.9.2
  characters: ^1.3.0
    sdk: flutter
  flutter_riverpod: ^2.5.1
  intl: ^0.19.0
  riverpod: ^2.5.1
  riverpod_annotation: ^2.3.5
  two_dimensional_scrollables: ^0.2.0

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_lints: ^3.0.0
  build_runner: ^2.4.9
  built_value_generator: ^8.9.2
  custom_lint: ^0.6.4
  riverpod_generator: ^2.4.0
  riverpod_lint: ^2.3.10

  uses-material-design: true

pubspec.yaml 文件会指定应用的基本信息,例如当前版本及其依赖项。您会看到一组依赖项,这些依赖项不属于普通的空 Flutter 应用。在后续步骤中,您将受益于所有这些套餐。

  1. 打开 lib/ 目录中的 main.dart 文件。

VS Code 的部分屏幕截图,其中包含一个显示 main.dart 文件位置的箭头

  1. 将此文件的内容替换为以下内容。


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

void main() {
      child: MaterialApp(
        title: 'Crossword Builder',
        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
        theme: ThemeData(
          useMaterial3: true,
          colorSchemeSeed: Colors.blueGrey,
          brightness: Brightness.light,
        home: Scaffold(
          body: Center(
            child: Text(
              'Hello, World!',
              style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24),
  1. 运行此代码以检查一切正常。它应该会显示一个新窗口,其中包含每个新项目的强制性起始短语。有一个 ProviderScope,表示此应用将使用 riverpod 进行状态管理。

包含“Hello, World!”字样的应用窗口在中心位置

3. 添加字词



这些字词的一个很好的来源是 Peter Norvig 的自然语言资料库数据页面。您可以从SOWPODS 列表入手,共 267,750 个字词。

在此步骤中,您将下载单词列表,将其作为资源添加到您的 Flutter 应用,并安排 Riverpod 提供商在启动时将列表加载到应用中。


  1. 修改项目的 pubspec.yaml 文件,为所选字词列表添加以下素材资源声明。此清单仅显示应用配置的 Flutter 节,其余部分保持不变。


  uses-material-design: true
  assets:                                       // Add this line
    - assets/words.txt                          // And this one.


  1. 使用浏览器和编辑器,在项目的顶层创建一个 assets 目录,并在其中创建一个 words.txt 文件,其中包含上面链接的一个字词列表。

此代码是按照上述 SOWPODS 列表设计的,但也适用于任何仅包含 A-Z 字符的字词列表。读者可以练习扩展此代码库以处理不同的字符集。



  1. lib 目录中创建一个 providers.dart 文件。
  2. 将以下内容添加到该文件中:


import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';

part 'providers.g.dart';

/// A provider for the wordlist to use when generating the crossword.
Future<BuiltSet<String>> wordList(WordListRef ref) async {
  // This codebase requires that all words consist of lowercase characters
  // in the range 'a'-'z'. Words containing uppercase letters will be
  // lowercased, and words containing runes outside this range will
  // be removed.

  final re = RegExp(r'^[a-z]+$');
  final words = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/words.txt');
  return const LineSplitter().convert(words).toBuiltSet().rebuild((b) => b
    ..map((word) => word.toLowerCase().trim())
    ..where((word) => word.length > 2)
    ..where((word) => re.hasMatch(word)));

这是您为此代码库的第一个 Riverpod 提供商。您会发现,编辑器会指出某些方面未定义的类或未生成的目标。此项目对多个依赖项(包括 Riverpod)使用代码生成功能,因此预计会出现未定义的类错误。

  1. 如需开始生成代码,请运行以下命令:
$ dart run build_runner watch -d
[INFO] Generating build script completed, took 174ms
[INFO] Setting up file watchers completed, took 5ms
[INFO] Waiting for all file watchers to be ready completed, took 202ms
[INFO] Reading cached asset graph completed, took 65ms
[INFO] Checking for updates since last build completed, took 680ms
[INFO] Running build completed, took 2.3s
[INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph completed, took 42ms
[INFO] Succeeded after 2.3s with 122 outputs (243 actions)

它将继续在后台运行,并会在您更改项目时更新生成的文件。此命令在 providers.g.dart 中生成代码后,您的编辑器应该会对您添加到上面 providers.dart 的代码感到满意。

在 Riverpod 中,您上面定义的 wordList 函数等提供程序通常会被延迟实例化。不过,对于此应用,您需要快速加载字词列表。Riverpod 文档建议采用以下方法来处理需要快速加载的提供程序。您现在需要实现它。

  1. lib/widgets 目录中创建一个 crossword_generator_app.dart 文件。
  2. 将以下内容添加到该文件中:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

import '../providers.dart';

class CrosswordGeneratorApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const CrosswordGeneratorApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return _EagerInitialization(
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
            fontSize: 16,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          title: Text('Crossword Generator'),
        body: SafeArea(
          child: Consumer(
            builder: (context, ref, _) {
              final wordListAsync = ref.watch(wordListProvider);
              return wordListAsync.when(
                data: (wordList) => ListView.builder(
                  itemCount: wordList.length,
                  itemBuilder: (context, index) {
                    return ListTile(
                      title: Text(wordList.elementAt(index)),
                error: (error, stackTrace) => Center(
                  child: Text('$error'),
                loading: () => Center(
                  child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

class _EagerInitialization extends ConsumerWidget {
  const _EagerInitialization({required this.child});
  final Widget child;

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    return child;

从两个不同方向来看,这个文件比较有意思。第一个是 _EagerInitialization widget,它的唯一任务就是要求您在上面创建的 wordList 提供程序加载单词列表。此 widget 通过使用 ref.watch() 调用监听提供程序来实现此目标。如需详细了解此方法,请参阅关于提供程序的 Eager 初始化的 Riverpod 文档。

在此文件中,要注意的第二个有趣的是 Riverpod 处理异步内容的方式。您可能还记得,wordList 提供程序被定义为异步函数,因为从磁盘加载内容的速度很慢。在查看此代码中的字词列表提供程序时,您会收到 AsyncValue<BuiltSet<String>>。该类型的 AsyncValue 部分是提供程序异步环境与 widget build 方法同步环境之间的适配器。

AsyncValuewhen 方法会处理 Future 值可能存在的三种可能状态。Future 可能已成功解析,在这种情况下,调用了 data 回调,它可能处于错误状态,此时已调用 error 回调,或者它可能仍在加载。三个回调的返回值类型必须具有兼容的返回值类型,因为所调用的回调的返回值由 when 方法返回。在本例中, when 方法的结果显示为 Scaffold widget 的 body


如需将 CrosswordGeneratorApp widget 集成到您的应用中,请按以下步骤操作:

  1. 添加以下代码,更新 lib/main.dart 文件:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

import 'widgets/crossword_generator_app.dart';             // Add this import

void main() {
      child: MaterialApp(
        title: 'Crossword Builder',
        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
        theme: ThemeData(
          useMaterial3: true,
          colorSchemeSeed: Colors.blueGrey,
          brightness: Brightness.light,
        home: CrosswordGeneratorApp(),                     // Remove what was here and replace
  1. 重启应用。您应该会看到一个几乎永远处于显示状态的滚动列表。


4. 在网格中显示字词

在此步骤中,您将使用 built_valuebuilt_collection 软件包创建用于创建填字游戏的数据结构。这两个软件包支持将数据结构构建为不可变值,既有助于在隔离之间轻松传递数据,又有助于更轻松地实现深度优先搜索和回溯。


  1. lib 目录中创建一个 model.dart 文件,然后将以下内容添加到该文件中:


import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';
import 'package:characters/characters.dart';

part 'model.g.dart';

/// A location in a crossword.
abstract class Location implements Built<Location, LocationBuilder> {
  static Serializer<Location> get serializer => _$locationSerializer;

  /// The horizontal part of the location. The location is 0 based.
  int get x;

  /// The vertical part of the location. The location is 0 based.
  int get y;

  /// Returns a new location that is one step to the left of this location.
  Location get left => rebuild((b) => b.x = x - 1);

  /// Returns a new location that is one step to the right of this location.
  Location get right => rebuild((b) => b.x = x + 1);

  /// Returns a new location that is one step up from this location.
  Location get up => rebuild((b) => b.y = y - 1);

  /// Returns a new location that is one step down from this location.
  Location get down => rebuild((b) => b.y = y + 1);

  /// Returns a new location that is [offset] steps to the left of this location.
  Location leftOffset(int offset) => rebuild((b) => b.x = x - offset);

  /// Returns a new location that is [offset] steps to the right of this location.
  Location rightOffset(int offset) => rebuild((b) => b.x = x + offset);

  /// Returns a new location that is [offset] steps up from this location.
  Location upOffset(int offset) => rebuild((b) => b.y = y - offset);

  /// Returns a new location that is [offset] steps down from this location.
  Location downOffset(int offset) => rebuild((b) => b.y = y + offset);

  /// Pretty print a location as a (x,y) coordinate.
  String prettyPrint() => '($x,$y)';

  /// Returns a new location built from [updates]. Both [x] and [y] are
  /// required to be non-null.
  factory Location([void Function(LocationBuilder)? updates]) = _$Location;

  /// Returns a location at the given coordinates.
  factory Location.at(int x, int y) {
    return Location((b) {
        ..x = x
        ..y = y;

/// The direction of a word in a crossword.
enum Direction {

  String toString() => name;

/// A word in a crossword. This is a word at a location in a crossword, in either
/// the across or down direction.
abstract class CrosswordWord
    implements Built<CrosswordWord, CrosswordWordBuilder> {
  static Serializer<CrosswordWord> get serializer => _$crosswordWordSerializer;

  /// The word itself.
  String get word;

  /// The location of this word in the crossword.
  Location get location;

  /// The direction of this word in the crossword.
  Direction get direction;

  /// Compare two CrosswordWord by coordinates, x then y.
  static int locationComparator(CrosswordWord a, CrosswordWord b) {
    final compareRows = a.location.y.compareTo(b.location.y);
    final compareColumns = a.location.x.compareTo(b.location.x);
    return switch (compareColumns) { 0 => compareRows, _ => compareColumns };

  /// Constructor for [CrosswordWord].
  factory CrosswordWord.word({
    required String word,
    required Location location,
    required Direction direction,
  }) {
    return CrosswordWord((b) => b
      ..word = word
      ..direction = direction

  /// Constructor for [CrosswordWord].
  /// Use [CrosswordWord.word] instead.
  factory CrosswordWord([void Function(CrosswordWordBuilder)? updates]) =

/// A character in a crossword. This is a single character at a location in a
/// crossword. It may be part of an across word, a down word, both, but not
/// neither. The neither constraint is enforced elsewhere.
abstract class CrosswordCharacter
    implements Built<CrosswordCharacter, CrosswordCharacterBuilder> {
  static Serializer<CrosswordCharacter> get serializer =>

  /// The character at this location.
  String get character;

  /// The across word that this character is a part of.
  CrosswordWord? get acrossWord;

  /// The down word that this character is a part of.
  CrosswordWord? get downWord;

  /// Constructor for [CrosswordCharacter].
  /// [acrossWord] and [downWord] are optional.
  factory CrosswordCharacter.character({
    required String character,
    CrosswordWord? acrossWord,
    CrosswordWord? downWord,
  }) {
    return CrosswordCharacter((b) {
      b.character = character;
      if (acrossWord != null) {
      if (downWord != null) {

  /// Constructor for [CrosswordCharacter].
  /// Use [CrosswordCharacter.character] instead.
  factory CrosswordCharacter(
          [void Function(CrosswordCharacterBuilder)? updates]) =

/// A crossword puzzle. This is a grid of characters with words placed in it.
/// The puzzle constraint is in the English crossword puzzle tradition.
abstract class Crossword implements Built<Crossword, CrosswordBuilder> {
  /// Serializes and deserializes the [Crossword] class.
  static Serializer<Crossword> get serializer => _$crosswordSerializer;

  /// Width across the [Crossword] puzzle.
  int get width;

  /// Height down the [Crossword] puzzle.
  int get height;

  /// The words in the crossword.
  BuiltList<CrosswordWord> get words;

  /// The characters by location. Useful for displaying the crossword.
  BuiltMap<Location, CrosswordCharacter> get characters;

  /// Add a word to the crossword at the given location and direction.
  Crossword addWord({
    required Location location,
    required String word,
    required Direction direction,
  }) {
    return rebuild(
      (b) => b
            word: word,
            direction: direction,
            location: location,

  /// As a finalize step, fill in the characters map.
  @BuiltValueHook(finalizeBuilder: true)
  static void _fillCharacters(CrosswordBuilder b) {

    for (final word in b.words.build()) {
      for (final (idx, character) in word.word.characters.indexed) {
        switch (word.direction) {
          case Direction.across:
              (b) => b.rebuild((bInner) => bInner.acrossWord.replace(word)),
              ifAbsent: () => CrosswordCharacter.character(
                acrossWord: word,
                character: character,
          case Direction.down:
              (b) => b.rebuild((bInner) => bInner.downWord.replace(word)),
              ifAbsent: () => CrosswordCharacter.character(
                downWord: word,
                character: character,

  /// Pretty print a crossword. Generates the character grid, and lists
  /// the down words and across words sorted by location.
  String prettyPrintCrossword() {
    final buffer = StringBuffer();
    final grid = List.generate(
      (_) => List.generate(
        width, (_) => '░', // https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+2591

    for (final MapEntry(key: Location(:x, :y), value: character)
        in characters.entries) {
      grid[y][x] = character.character;

    for (final row in grid) {

    for (final word
        in words.where((word) => word.direction == Direction.across).toList()
          ..sort(CrosswordWord.locationComparator)) {
      buffer.writeln('${word.location.prettyPrint()}: ${word.word}');

    for (final word
        in words.where((word) => word.direction == Direction.down).toList()
          ..sort(CrosswordWord.locationComparator)) {
      buffer.writeln('${word.location.prettyPrint()}: ${word.word}');

    return buffer.toString();

  /// Constructor for [Crossword].
  factory Crossword.crossword({
    required int width,
    required int height,
    Iterable<CrosswordWord>? words,
  }) {
    return Crossword((b) {
        ..width = width
        ..height = height;
      if (words != null) {

  /// Constructor for [Crossword].
  /// Use [Crossword.crossword] instead.
  factory Crossword([void Function(CrosswordBuilder)? updates]) = _$Crossword;

/// Construct the serialization/deserialization code for the data model.
final Serializers serializers = _$serializers;

此文件描述了您将用于创建填字的数据结构的开头。从本质上讲,填字游戏是一系列横排和竖立的字词交织在一起的。如需使用此数据结构,请使用 Crossword.crossword 命名构造函数构造适当大小的 Crossword,然后使用 addWord 方法添加字词。在构建最终值的过程中,_fillCharacters 方法会创建 CrosswordCharacter 网格。


  1. lib 目录中创建一个 utils 文件,然后将以下内容添加到该文件中:


import 'dart:math';

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';

/// A [Random] instance for generating random numbers.
final _random = Random();

/// An extension on [BuiltSet] that adds a method to get a random element.
extension RandomElements<E> on BuiltSet<E> {
  E randomElement() {
    return elementAt(_random.nextInt(length));

这是 BuiltSet 的扩展,可让您轻松检索集合的随机元素。通过扩展方法,可以轻松使用附加功能扩展类。为了使扩展程序在 utils.dart 文件之外可用,必须为该扩展程序命名。

  1. lib/providers.dart 文件中,添加以下导入:


import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';                                        // Add this import

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';                  // Add this import
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';

import 'model.dart' as model;                              // And this import
import 'utils.dart';                                       // And this one

part 'providers.g.dart';

/// A provider for the wordlist to use when generating the crossword.
Future<BuiltSet<String>> wordList(WordListRef ref) async {

这些导入会将上面定义的模型公开给您要创建的提供程序。针对 Random 包含 dart:math 导入,针对 debugPrint、针对模型的 model.dart 和针对 BuiltSet 扩展程序的 utils.dart 包含 flutter/foundation.dart 导入。

  1. 在同一文件的末尾,添加以下提供方:


/// An enumeration for different sizes of [model.Crossword]s.
enum CrosswordSize {
  small(width: 20, height: 11),
  medium(width: 40, height: 22),
  large(width: 80, height: 44),
  xlarge(width: 160, height: 88),
  xxlarge(width: 500, height: 500);

  const CrosswordSize({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,

  final int width;
  final int height;
  String get label => '$width x $height';

/// A provider that holds the current size of the crossword to generate.
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
class Size extends _$Size {
  var _size = CrosswordSize.medium;

  CrosswordSize build() => _size;

  void setSize(CrosswordSize size) {
    _size = size;

final _random = Random();

Stream<model.Crossword> crossword(CrosswordRef ref) async* {
  final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
  final wordListAsync = ref.watch(wordListProvider);

  var crossword =
      model.Crossword.crossword(width: size.width, height: size.height);

  yield* wordListAsync.when(
    data: (wordList) async* {
      while (crossword.characters.length < size.width * size.height * 0.8) {
        final word = wordList.randomElement();
        final direction =
            _random.nextBool() ? model.Direction.across : model.Direction.down;
        final location = model.Location.at(
            _random.nextInt(size.width), _random.nextInt(size.height));

        crossword = crossword.addWord(
            word: word, direction: direction, location: location);
        yield crossword;
        await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 100));

      yield crossword;
    error: (error, stackTrace) async* {
      debugPrint('Error loading word list: $error');
      yield crossword;
    loading: () async* {
      yield crossword;

这些更改会为您的应用添加两个提供程序。第一个是 Size,它实际上是一个全局变量,包含 CrosswordSize 枚举当前选定的值。这样一来,界面便可显示正在构建中的填字游戏,并设置其大小。第二个提供程序 crossword 是更有趣的创建。该函数是一个返回一系列 Crossword 的函数。它是使用 Dart 对生成器的支持构建的,如函数的 async* 标记。这意味着它不是在返回时结束,而是会生成一系列 Crossword,这是一种更简便的方法来编写可返回中间结果的计算。

由于 crossword 提供程序函数开头存在一对 ref.watch 调用,因此每当所选的填字游戏大小发生变化以及单词列表加载完成后,Riverpod 系统都会重启 Crossword 流。


  1. lib/widgets 目录中创建一个包含以下内容的 crossword_widget.dart 文件:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:two_dimensional_scrollables/two_dimensional_scrollables.dart';

import '../model.dart';
import '../providers.dart';

class CrosswordWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
  const CrosswordWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
    return TableView.builder(
      diagonalDragBehavior: DiagonalDragBehavior.free,
      cellBuilder: _buildCell,
      columnCount: size.width,
      columnBuilder: (index) => _buildSpan(context, index),
      rowCount: size.height,
      rowBuilder: (index) => _buildSpan(context, index),

  TableViewCell _buildCell(BuildContext context, TableVicinity vicinity) {
    final location = Location.at(vicinity.column, vicinity.row);

    return TableViewCell(
      child: Consumer(
        builder: (context, ref, _) {
          final character = ref.watch(
              (crosswordAsync) => crosswordAsync.when(
                data: (crossword) => crossword.characters[location],
                error: (error, stackTrace) => null,
                loading: () => null,

          if (character != null) {
            return Container(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimary,
              child: Center(
                child: Text(
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 24,
                    color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,

          return ColoredBox(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryContainer,

  TableSpan _buildSpan(BuildContext context, int index) {
    return TableSpan(
      extent: FixedTableSpanExtent(32),
      foregroundDecoration: TableSpanDecoration(
        border: TableSpanBorder(
          leading: BorderSide(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer),
          trailing: BorderSide(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer),

此 widget 是一个 ConsumerWidget,可以直接依赖于 Size 提供程序来确定用于显示 Crossword 字符的网格的大小。此网格的显示是使用 two_dimensional_scrollables 软件包中的 TableView widget 完成的。

值得注意的是,由 _buildCell 辅助函数渲染的各个单元格都在其返回的 Widget 树中包含一个 Consumer widget。这充当刷新边界。当 ref.watch 的返回值发生变化时,系统会重新创建 Consumer widget 中的所有内容。人们很容易在每次 Crossword 发生变化时重新创建整个树,但这会导致使用此设置跳过大量计算。

如果您查看 ref.watch 的参数,就会发现使用 crosswordProvider.select 还可以通过另一层避免重新计算布局。这意味着,仅当单元格负责渲染的字符发生变化时,ref.watch 才会触发 TableViewCell 内容的重新构建。减少重新渲染是保持界面响应迅速的重要环节。

如需向用户公开 CrosswordWidgetSize 提供程序,请按如下方式更改 crossword_generator_app.dart 文件:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

import '../providers.dart';
import 'crossword_widget.dart';                               // Add this import

class CrosswordGeneratorApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const CrosswordGeneratorApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return _EagerInitialization(
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          actions: [_CrosswordGeneratorMenu()],               // Add this line
          titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
            fontSize: 16,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          title: Text('Crossword Generator'),
        body: SafeArea(
          child: CrosswordWidget(),                           // Replaces everything that was here before

class _EagerInitialization extends ConsumerWidget {
  const _EagerInitialization({required this.child});
  final Widget child;

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    return child;

class _CrosswordGeneratorMenu extends ConsumerWidget {        // Add from here
  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) => MenuAnchor(
        menuChildren: [
          for (final entry in CrosswordSize.values)
              onPressed: () => ref.read(sizeProvider.notifier).setSize(entry),
              leadingIcon: entry == ref.watch(sizeProvider)
                  ? Icon(Icons.radio_button_checked_outlined)
                  : Icon(Icons.radio_button_unchecked_outlined),
              child: Text(entry.label),
        builder: (context, controller, child) => IconButton(
          onPressed: () => controller.open(),
          icon: Icon(Icons.settings),
      );                                                      // To here.

这里发生了一些变化。首先,负责将 wordList 呈现为 ListView 的代码已替换为对上一个文件中定义的 CrosswordWidget 的调用。另一项重大更改是,从一个用于更改应用行为的菜单开始,从更改填字游戏的大小开始。在后续步骤中,将添加更多 MenuItemButton。运行应用,您会看到如下内容:



5. 强制执行限制条件

此步骤的目标是向模型中添加代码以强制执行填字限制条件。填字游戏有许多不同类型的游戏,此 Codelab 将遵循英语填字游戏的传统。与往常一样,读者需要修改此代码以生成其他风格的填字游戏。


  1. 打开 model.dart 文件,并将 Crossword 模型替换为以下代码:


/// A crossword puzzle. This is a grid of characters with words placed in it.
/// The puzzle constraint is in the English crossword puzzle tradition.
abstract class Crossword implements Built<Crossword, CrosswordBuilder> {
  /// Serializes and deserializes the [Crossword] class.
  static Serializer<Crossword> get serializer => _$crosswordSerializer;

  /// Width across the [Crossword] puzzle.
  int get width;

  /// Height down the [Crossword] puzzle.
  int get height;

  /// The words in the crossword.
  BuiltList<CrosswordWord> get words;

  /// The characters by location. Useful for displaying the crossword,
  /// or checking the proposed solution.
  BuiltMap<Location, CrosswordCharacter> get characters;

  /// Checks if this crossword is valid.
  bool get valid {
    // Check that there are no duplicate words.
    final wordSet = words.map((word) => word.word).toBuiltSet();
    if (wordSet.length != words.length) {
      return false;

    for (final MapEntry(key: location, value: character)
        in characters.entries) {
      // All characters must be a part of an across or down word.
      if (character.acrossWord == null && character.downWord == null) {
        return false;

      // All characters must be within the crossword puzzle.
      // No drawing outside the lines.
      if (location.x < 0 ||
          location.y < 0 ||
          location.x >= width ||
          location.y >= height) {
        return false;

      // Characters above and below this character must be related
      // by a vertical word
      if (characters[location.up] case final up?) {
        if (character.downWord == null) {
          return false;
        if (up.downWord != character.downWord) {
          return false;

      if (characters[location.down] case final down?) {
        if (character.downWord == null) {
          return false;
        if (down.downWord != character.downWord) {
          return false;

      // Characters to the left and right of this character must be
      // related by a horizontal word
      final left = characters[location.left];
      if (left != null) {
        if (character.acrossWord == null) {
          return false;
        if (left.acrossWord != character.acrossWord) {
          return false;

      final right = characters[location.right];
      if (right != null) {
        if (character.acrossWord == null) {
          return false;
        if (right.acrossWord != character.acrossWord) {
          return false;

    return true;

  /// Add a word to the crossword at the given location and direction.
  Crossword? addWord({
    required Location location,
    required String word,
    required Direction direction,
  }) {
    // Require that the word is not already in the crossword.
    if (words.map((crosswordWord) => crosswordWord.word).contains(word)) {
      return null;

    final wordCharacters = word.characters;
    bool overlap = false;

    // Check that the word fits in the crossword.
    for (final (index, character) in wordCharacters.indexed) {
      final characterLocation = switch (direction) {
        Direction.across => location.rightOffset(index),
        Direction.down => location.downOffset(index),

      final target = characters[characterLocation];
      if (target != null) {
        overlap = true;
        if (target.character != character) {
          return null;
        if (direction == Direction.across && target.acrossWord != null ||
            direction == Direction.down && target.downWord != null) {
          return null;
    if (words.isNotEmpty && !overlap) {
      return null;

    final candidate = rebuild(
      (b) => b
            word: word,
            direction: direction,
            location: location,

    if (candidate.valid) {
      return candidate;
    } else {
      return null;

  /// As a finalize step, fill in the characters map.
  @BuiltValueHook(finalizeBuilder: true)
  static void _fillCharacters(CrosswordBuilder b) {

    for (final word in b.words.build()) {
      for (final (idx, character) in word.word.characters.indexed) {
        switch (word.direction) {
          case Direction.across:
              (b) => b.rebuild((bInner) => bInner.acrossWord.replace(word)),
              ifAbsent: () => CrosswordCharacter.character(
                acrossWord: word,
                character: character,
          case Direction.down:
              (b) => b.rebuild((bInner) => bInner.downWord.replace(word)),
              ifAbsent: () => CrosswordCharacter.character(
                downWord: word,
                character: character,

  /// Pretty print a crossword. Generates the character grid, and lists
  /// the down words and across words sorted by location.
  String prettyPrintCrossword() {
    final buffer = StringBuffer();
    final grid = List.generate(
      (_) => List.generate(
        width, (_) => '░', // https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+2591

    for (final MapEntry(key: Location(:x, :y), value: character)
        in characters.entries) {
      grid[y][x] = character.character;

    for (final row in grid) {

    for (final word
        in words.where((word) => word.direction == Direction.across).toList()
          ..sort(CrosswordWord.locationComparator)) {
      buffer.writeln('${word.location.prettyPrint()}: ${word.word}');

    for (final word
        in words.where((word) => word.direction == Direction.down).toList()
          ..sort(CrosswordWord.locationComparator)) {
      buffer.writeln('${word.location.prettyPrint()}: ${word.word}');

    return buffer.toString();

  /// Constructor for [Crossword].
  factory Crossword.crossword({
    required int width,
    required int height,
    Iterable<CrosswordWord>? words,
  }) {
    return Crossword((b) {
        ..width = width
        ..height = height;
      if (words != null) {

  /// Constructor for [Crossword].
  /// Use [Crossword.crossword] instead.
  factory Crossword([void Function(CrosswordBuilder)? updates]) = _$Crossword;

谨此提醒您,您对 model.dartproviders.dart 文件所做的更改需要运行 build_runner 来更新相应的 model.g.dartproviders.g.dart 文件。如果这些文件尚未自行自动更新,现在就是使用 dart run build_runner watch -d 重新开始 build_runner 的好时机。


  1. 按如下方式修改 providers.dart 文件:


import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';

import 'model.dart' as model;
import 'utils.dart';

part 'providers.g.dart';

/// A provider for the wordlist to use when generating the crossword.
Future<BuiltSet<String>> wordList(WordListRef ref) async {
  // This codebase requires that all words consist of lowercase characters
  // in the range 'a'-'z'. Words containing uppercase letters will be
  // lowercased, and words containing runes outside this range will
  // be removed.

  final re = RegExp(r'^[a-z]+$');
  final words = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/words.txt');
  return const LineSplitter().convert(words).toBuiltSet().rebuild((b) => b
    ..map((word) => word.toLowerCase().trim())
    ..where((word) => word.length > 2)
    ..where((word) => re.hasMatch(word)));

/// An enumeration for different sizes of [model.Crossword]s.
enum CrosswordSize {
  small(width: 20, height: 11),
  medium(width: 40, height: 22),
  large(width: 80, height: 44),
  xlarge(width: 160, height: 88),
  xxlarge(width: 500, height: 500);

  const CrosswordSize({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,

  final int width;
  final int height;
  String get label => '$width x $height';

/// A provider that holds the current size of the crossword to generate.
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
class Size extends _$Size {
  var _size = CrosswordSize.medium;

  CrosswordSize build() => _size;

  void setSize(CrosswordSize size) {
    _size = size;

final _random = Random();

Stream<model.Crossword> crossword(CrosswordRef ref) async* {
  final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
  final wordListAsync = ref.watch(wordListProvider);

  var crossword =
      model.Crossword.crossword(width: size.width, height: size.height);

  yield* wordListAsync.when(
    data: (wordList) async* {
      while (crossword.characters.length < size.width * size.height * 0.8) {
        final word = wordList.randomElement();
        final direction =
            _random.nextBool() ? model.Direction.across : model.Direction.down;
        final location = model.Location.at(
            _random.nextInt(size.width), _random.nextInt(size.height));

        var candidate = crossword.addWord(                 // Edit from here
            word: word, direction: direction, location: location);
        await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10));
        if (candidate != null) {
          debugPrint('Added word: $word');
          crossword = candidate;
          yield crossword;
        } else {
          debugPrint('Failed to add word: $word');
        }                                                  // To here.

      yield crossword;
    error: (error, stackTrace) async* {
      debugPrint('Error loading word list: $error');
      yield crossword;
    loading: () async* {
      yield crossword;
  1. 运行应用。界面中没有发生很多事情,但如果您查看日志,发生了很多事情。


仔细想想这里发生了什么,我们会看到填字游戏随机出现。Crossword 模型中的 addWord 方法会拒绝任何不适合当前填字游戏的建议单词,因此我们看到了任何事物都出现,令人惊讶。

为了更有条理地选择要尝试放置的字词,最好将此计算从界面线程移至后台隔离中。Flutter 有一个非常实用的封装容器,即 compute 函数,用于接收一部分工作并在后台隔离环境中运行。

  1. providers.dart 文件中,修改填字游戏提供程序,如下所示:


Stream<model.Crossword> crossword(CrosswordRef ref) async* {
  final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
  final wordListAsync = ref.watch(wordListProvider);

  var crossword =
      model.Crossword.crossword(width: size.width, height: size.height);

  yield* wordListAsync.when(
    data: (wordList) async* {
      while (crossword.characters.length < size.width * size.height * 0.8) {
        final word = wordList.randomElement();
        final direction =
            _random.nextBool() ? model.Direction.across : model.Direction.down;
        final location = model.Location.at(
            _random.nextInt(size.width), _random.nextInt(size.height));
        try {
          var candidate = await compute(                   // Edit from here.
              ((String, model.Direction, model.Location) wordToAdd) {
            final (word, direction, location) = wordToAdd;
            return crossword.addWord(
                word: word, direction: direction, location: location);
          }, (word, direction, location));

          if (candidate != null) {
            crossword = candidate;
            yield crossword;
        } catch (e) {
          debugPrint('Error running isolate: $e');
        }                                                  // To here.

      yield crossword;
    error: (error, stackTrace) async* {
      debugPrint('Error loading word list: $error');
      yield crossword;
    loading: () async* {
      yield crossword;


flutter: Error running isolate: Invalid argument(s): Illegal argument in isolate message: object is unsendable - Library:'dart:async' Class: _Future@4048458 (see restrictions listed at `SendPort.send()` documentation for more information)
flutter:  <- Instance of 'AutoDisposeStreamProviderElement<Crossword>' (from package:riverpod/src/stream_provider.dart)
flutter:  <- Context num_variables: 2 <- Context num_variables: 1 parent:{ Context num_variables: 2 }
flutter:  <- Context num_variables: 1 parent:{ Context num_variables: 1 parent:{ Context num_variables: 2 } }
flutter:  <- Closure: () => Crossword? (from package:generate_crossword/providers.dart)

这是 compute 通过提供程序传递给后台隔离关闭的结果,该关闭无法通过 SendPort.send() 发送。一种解决方法是确保闭包在关闭时不会包含不可发送的内容。

第一步是将提供程序与 Isolate 代码分开。

  1. lib 目录中创建一个 isolates.dart 文件,然后向其添加以下内容:


import 'dart:math';

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

import 'model.dart';
import 'utils.dart';

final _random = Random();

Stream<Crossword> exploreCrosswordSolutions({
  required Crossword crossword,
  required BuiltSet<String> wordList,
}) async* {
  while (
      crossword.characters.length < crossword.width * crossword.height * 0.8) {
    final word = wordList.randomElement();
    final direction = _random.nextBool() ? Direction.across : Direction.down;
    final location = Location.at(
        _random.nextInt(crossword.width), _random.nextInt(crossword.height));
    try {
      var candidate = await compute(((String, Direction, Location) wordToAdd) {
        final (word, direction, location) = wordToAdd;
        return crossword.addWord(
            word: word, direction: direction, location: location);
      }, (word, direction, location));

      if (candidate != null) {
        crossword = candidate;
        yield crossword;
    } catch (e) {
      debugPrint('Error running isolate: $e');

此代码看起来应该比较熟悉。它是 crossword 提供程序中的核心,但现在作为独立的生成器函数使用。现在,您可以更新 providers.dart 文件,以使用此新函数实例化背景隔离。


// Drop the dart:math import, the _random instance moved to isolates.dart
import 'dart:convert';

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';

import 'isolates.dart';                                    // Add this import
import 'model.dart' as model;
                                                           // Drop the utils.dart import

part 'providers.g.dart';

/// A provider for the wordlist to use when generating the crossword.
Future<BuiltSet<String>> wordList(WordListRef ref) async {
  // This codebase requires that all words consist of lowercase characters
  // in the range 'a'-'z'. Words containing uppercase letters will be
  // lowercased, and words containing runes outside this range will
  // be removed.

  final re = RegExp(r'^[a-z]+$');
  final words = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/words.txt');
  return const LineSplitter().convert(words).toBuiltSet().rebuild((b) => b
    ..map((word) => word.toLowerCase().trim())
    ..where((word) => word.length > 2)
    ..where((word) => re.hasMatch(word)));

/// An enumeration for different sizes of [model.Crossword]s.
enum CrosswordSize {
  small(width: 20, height: 11),
  medium(width: 40, height: 22),
  large(width: 80, height: 44),
  xlarge(width: 160, height: 88),
  xxlarge(width: 500, height: 500);

  const CrosswordSize({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,

  final int width;
  final int height;
  String get label => '$width x $height';

/// A provider that holds the current size of the crossword to generate.
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
class Size extends _$Size {
  var _size = CrosswordSize.medium;

  CrosswordSize build() => _size;

  void setSize(CrosswordSize size) {
    _size = size;
                                                           // Drop the _random instance
Stream<model.Crossword> crossword(CrosswordRef ref) async* {
  final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
  final wordListAsync = ref.watch(wordListProvider);

  final emptyCrossword =                                   // Edit from here
      model.Crossword.crossword(width: size.width, height: size.height);

  yield* wordListAsync.when(
    data: (wordList) => exploreCrosswordSolutions(
      crossword: emptyCrossword,
      wordList: wordList,
    error: (error, stackTrace) async* {
      debugPrint('Error loading word list: $error');
      yield emptyCrossword;
    loading: () async* {
      yield emptyCrossword;                                // To here.

完成上述操作后,您现在有了一款可创建不同大小的填字游戏的工具,其中 compute 是在后台隔离的情况下解谜的。现在,假设在决定在填字游戏中添加哪些字词时,如果能提高代码效率,就行了。

6. 管理工作队列


该代码目前会构建候选解决方案,检查候选解决方案是否有效,然后根据有效性纳入候选解决方案或将其丢弃。这是回溯系列算法的一个示例实现。built_valuebuilt_collection 大大简化了此实现,可实现创建新的不可变值,这些值可以派生出共同状态,从而与派生出的不可变值共享共同状态。这样可以以低廉的成本利用潜在候选对象,而不会产生深度复制所需的内存成本。


  1. 打开 model.dart 文件并向其添加以下 WorkQueue 定义:


  /// Constructor for [Crossword].
  /// Use [Crossword.crossword] instead.
  factory Crossword([void Function(CrosswordBuilder)? updates]) = _$Crossword;
                                                           // Add from here
/// A work queue for a worker to process. The work queue contains a crossword
/// and a list of locations to try, along with candidate words to add to the
/// crossword.
abstract class WorkQueue implements Built<WorkQueue, WorkQueueBuilder> {
  static Serializer<WorkQueue> get serializer => _$workQueueSerializer;

  /// The crossword the worker is working on.
  Crossword get crossword;

  /// The outstanding queue of locations to try.
  BuiltMap<Location, Direction> get locationsToTry;

  /// Known bad locations.
  BuiltSet<Location> get badLocations;

  /// The list of unused candidate words that can be added to this crossword.
  BuiltSet<String> get candidateWords;

  /// Returns true if the work queue is complete.
  bool get isCompleted => locationsToTry.isEmpty || candidateWords.isEmpty;

  /// Create a work queue from a crossword.
  static WorkQueue from({
    required Crossword crossword,
    required Iterable<String> candidateWords,
    required Location startLocation,
  }) =>
      WorkQueue((b) {
        if (crossword.words.isEmpty) {
          // Strip candidate words too long to fit in the crossword
              .where((word) => word.characters.length <= crossword.width));


          b.locationsToTry.addAll({startLocation: Direction.across});
        } else {
          // Assuming words have already been stripped to length
                (b) => b.removeAll(crossword.words.map((word) => word.word))),
              .rebuild((b) => b.removeWhere((location, character) {
                    if (character.acrossWord != null &&
                        character.downWord != null) {
                      return true;
                    final left = crossword.characters[location.left];
                    if (left != null && left.downWord != null) return true;
                    final right = crossword.characters[location.right];
                    if (right != null && right.downWord != null) return true;
                    final up = crossword.characters[location.up];
                    if (up != null && up.acrossWord != null) return true;
                    final down = crossword.characters[location.down];
                    if (down != null && down.acrossWord != null) return true;
                    return false;
              .forEach((location, character) {
              location: switch ((character.acrossWord, character.downWord)) {
                (null, null) =>
                  throw StateError('Character is not part of a word'),
                (null, _) => Direction.across,
                (_, null) => Direction.down,
                (_, _) => throw StateError('Character is part of two words'),

  WorkQueue remove(Location location) => rebuild((b) => b

  /// Update the work queue from a crossword derived from the current crossword
  /// that this work queue is built from.
  WorkQueue updateFrom(final Crossword crossword) => WorkQueue.from(
        crossword: crossword,
        candidateWords: candidateWords,
        startLocation: locationsToTry.isNotEmpty
            ? locationsToTry.keys.first
            : Location.at(0, 0),
      ).rebuild((b) => b
            .removeWhere((location, _) => badLocations.contains(location)));

  /// Factory constructor for [WorkQueue]
  factory WorkQueue([void Function(WorkQueueBuilder)? updates]) = _$WorkQueue;

}                                                          // To here.

/// Construct the serialization/deserialization code for the data model.
  WorkQueue,                                               // Add this line
final Serializers serializers = _$serializers;
  1. 如果添加此新内容几秒钟后,此文件中仍有红色波浪线,请确认 build_runner 仍在运行。如果没有,请运行 dart run build_runner watch -d 命令。

您将在代码中添加日志记录,以显示创建各种大小的填字游戏所需的时间。如果 Durations 具有某种格式规范的显示形式,那就太好了。幸运的是,我们可以使用扩展方法添加所需的确切方法。

  1. 按如下方式修改 utils.dart 文件:


import 'dart:math';

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';

/// A [Random] instance for generating random numbers.
final _random = Random();

/// An extension on [BuiltSet] that adds a method to get a random element.
extension RandomElements<E> on BuiltSet<E> {
  E randomElement() {
    return elementAt(_random.nextInt(length));
                                                              // Add from here
/// An extension on [Duration] that adds a method to format the duration.
extension DurationFormat on Duration {
  /// A human-readable string representation of the duration.
  /// This format is tuned for durations in the seconds to days range.
  String get formatted {
    final hours = inHours.remainder(24).toString().padLeft(2, '0');
    final minutes = inMinutes.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0');
    final seconds = inSeconds.remainder(60).toString().padLeft(2, '0');
    return switch ((inDays, inHours, inMinutes, inSeconds)) {
      (0, 0, 0, _) => '${inSeconds}s',
      (0, 0, _, _) => '$inMinutes:$seconds',
      (0, _, _, _) => '$inHours:$minutes:$seconds',
      _ => '$inDays days, $hours:$minutes:$seconds',
}                                                             // To here.

此扩展方法利用 switch 表达式和针对记录的模式匹配,选择适当的方式来显示从数秒到数天的不同持续时间。如需详细了解这种代码样式,请参阅深入了解 Dart 的模式和记录 Codelab。

  1. 如需集成这项新功能,请替换 isolates.dart 文件以重新定义 exploreCrosswordSolutions 函数的定义方式,如下所示:


import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:characters/characters.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

import 'model.dart';
import 'utils.dart';

Stream<Crossword> exploreCrosswordSolutions({
  required Crossword crossword,
  required BuiltSet<String> wordList,
}) async* {
  final start = DateTime.now();
  var workQueue = WorkQueue.from(
    crossword: crossword,
    candidateWords: wordList,
    startLocation: Location.at(0, 0),
  while (!workQueue.isCompleted) {
    final location = workQueue.locationsToTry.keys.toBuiltSet().randomElement();
    try {
      final crossword = await compute(((WorkQueue, Location) workMessage) {
        final (workQueue, location) = workMessage;
        final direction = workQueue.locationsToTry[location]!;
        final target = workQueue.crossword.characters[location];
        if (target == null) {
          return workQueue.crossword.addWord(
            direction: direction,
            location: location,
            word: workQueue.candidateWords.randomElement(),
        var words = workQueue.candidateWords.toBuiltList().rebuild((b) => b
          ..where((b) => b.characters.contains(target.character))
        int tryCount = 0;
        for (final word in words) {
          for (final (index, character) in word.characters.indexed) {
            if (character != target.character) continue;

            final candidate = workQueue.crossword.addWord(
              location: switch (direction) {
                Direction.across => location.leftOffset(index),
                Direction.down => location.upOffset(index),
              word: word,
              direction: direction,
            if (candidate != null) {
              return candidate;
          if (tryCount > 1000) {
      }, (workQueue, location));
      if (crossword != null) {
        workQueue = workQueue.updateFrom(crossword);
        yield crossword;
      } else {
        workQueue = workQueue.remove(location);
    } catch (e) {
      debugPrint('Error running isolate: $e');
  debugPrint('${crossword.width} x ${crossword.height} Crossword generated in '

运行此代码后,应用的表面上看起来完全相同,但不同之处在于找到一个完成的填字游戏所需的时间。此填字游戏大小为 80 x 44,耗时 1 分 29 秒。



7. 表面统计信息


要显示的信息需要从 WorkQueue 中提取并显示在界面中。



  1. 按如下方式修改 model.dart 文件,以添加 DisplayInfo 类:


import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';
import 'package:characters/characters.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';                           // Add this import

part 'model.g.dart';

/// A location in a crossword.
abstract class Location implements Built<Location, LocationBuilder> {
  1. 在文件末尾,进行以下更改以添加 DisplayInfo 类:


  /// Factory constructor for [WorkQueue]
  factory WorkQueue([void Function(WorkQueueBuilder)? updates]) = _$WorkQueue;

                                                           // Add from here.
/// Display information for the current state of the crossword solve.
abstract class DisplayInfo implements Built<DisplayInfo, DisplayInfoBuilder> {
  static Serializer<DisplayInfo> get serializer => _$displayInfoSerializer;

  /// The number of words in the grid.
  String get wordsInGridCount;

  /// The number of candidate words.
  String get candidateWordsCount;

  /// The number of locations to explore.
  String get locationsToExploreCount;

  /// The number of known bad locations.
  String get knownBadLocationsCount;

  /// The percentage of the grid filled.
  String get gridFilledPercentage;

  /// Construct a [DisplayInfo] instance from a [WorkQueue].
  factory DisplayInfo.from({required WorkQueue workQueue}) {
    final gridFilled = (workQueue.crossword.characters.length /
        (workQueue.crossword.width * workQueue.crossword.height));
    final fmt = NumberFormat.decimalPattern();

    return DisplayInfo((b) => b
      ..wordsInGridCount = fmt.format(workQueue.crossword.words.length)
      ..candidateWordsCount = fmt.format(workQueue.candidateWords.length)
      ..locationsToExploreCount = fmt.format(workQueue.locationsToTry.length)
      ..knownBadLocationsCount = fmt.format(workQueue.badLocations.length)
      ..gridFilledPercentage = '${(gridFilled * 100).toStringAsFixed(2)}%');

  /// An empty [DisplayInfo] instance.
  static DisplayInfo get empty => DisplayInfo((b) => b
    ..wordsInGridCount = '0'
    ..candidateWordsCount = '0'
    ..locationsToExploreCount = '0'
    ..knownBadLocationsCount = '0'
    ..gridFilledPercentage = '0%');

  factory DisplayInfo([void Function(DisplayInfoBuilder)? updates]) =
}                                                          // To here.

/// Construct the serialization/deserialization code for the data model.
  DisplayInfo,                                             // Add this line.
final Serializers serializers = _$serializers;
  1. 修改 isolates.dart 文件以公开 WorkQueue 模型,如下所示:


import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:characters/characters.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

import 'model.dart';
import 'utils.dart';

Stream<WorkQueue> exploreCrosswordSolutions({              // Modify this line
  required Crossword crossword,
  required BuiltSet<String> wordList,
}) async* {
  final start = DateTime.now();
  var workQueue = WorkQueue.from(
    crossword: crossword,
    candidateWords: wordList,
    startLocation: Location.at(0, 0),
  while (!workQueue.isCompleted) {
    final location = workQueue.locationsToTry.keys.toBuiltSet().randomElement();
    try {
      final crossword = await compute(((WorkQueue, Location) workMessage) {
        final (workQueue, location) = workMessage;
        final direction = workQueue.locationsToTry[location]!;
        final target = workQueue.crossword.characters[location];
        if (target == null) {
          return workQueue.crossword.addWord(
            direction: direction,
            location: location,
            word: workQueue.candidateWords.randomElement(),
        var words = workQueue.candidateWords.toBuiltList().rebuild((b) => b
          ..where((b) => b.characters.contains(target.character))
        int tryCount = 0;
        for (final word in words) {
          for (final (index, character) in word.characters.indexed) {
            if (character != target.character) continue;

            final candidate = workQueue.crossword.addWord(
              location: switch (direction) {
                Direction.across => location.leftOffset(index),
                Direction.down => location.upOffset(index),
              word: word,
              direction: direction,
            if (candidate != null) {
              return candidate;
          if (tryCount > 1000) {
      }, (workQueue, location));
      if (crossword != null) {
        workQueue = workQueue.updateFrom(crossword);       // Drop the yield crossword;
      } else {
        workQueue = workQueue.remove(location);
      yield workQueue;                                     // Add this line.
    } catch (e) {
      debugPrint('Error running isolate: $e');
  debugPrint('${crossword.width} x ${crossword.height} Crossword generated in '


  1. 将旧的填字提供程序替换为工作队列提供程序,然后添加更多从工作队列提供程序的流中提取信息的提供程序:


import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';                                        // Add this import

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';

import 'isolates.dart';
import 'model.dart' as model;

part 'providers.g.dart';

/// A provider for the wordlist to use when generating the crossword.
Future<BuiltSet<String>> wordList(WordListRef ref) async {
  // This codebase requires that all words consist of lowercase characters
  // in the range 'a'-'z'. Words containing uppercase letters will be
  // lowercased, and words containing runes outside this range will
  // be removed.

  final re = RegExp(r'^[a-z]+$');
  final words = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/words.txt');
  return const LineSplitter().convert(words).toBuiltSet().rebuild((b) => b
    ..map((word) => word.toLowerCase().trim())
    ..where((word) => word.length > 2)
    ..where((word) => re.hasMatch(word)));

/// An enumeration for different sizes of [model.Crossword]s.
enum CrosswordSize {
  small(width: 20, height: 11),
  medium(width: 40, height: 22),
  large(width: 80, height: 44),
  xlarge(width: 160, height: 88),
  xxlarge(width: 500, height: 500);

  const CrosswordSize({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,

  final int width;
  final int height;
  String get label => '$width x $height';

/// A provider that holds the current size of the crossword to generate.
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
class Size extends _$Size {
  var _size = CrosswordSize.medium;

  CrosswordSize build() => _size;

  void setSize(CrosswordSize size) {
    _size = size;

Stream<model.WorkQueue> workQueue(WorkQueueRef ref) async* { // Modify this provider
  final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
  final wordListAsync = ref.watch(wordListProvider);
  final emptyCrossword =
      model.Crossword.crossword(width: size.width, height: size.height);
  final emptyWorkQueue = model.WorkQueue.from(
    crossword: emptyCrossword,
    candidateWords: BuiltSet<String>(),
    startLocation: model.Location.at(0, 0),


  yield* wordListAsync.when(
    data: (wordList) => exploreCrosswordSolutions(
      crossword: emptyCrossword,
      wordList: wordList,
    error: (error, stackTrace) async* {
      debugPrint('Error loading word list: $error');
      yield emptyWorkQueue;
    loading: () async* {
      yield emptyWorkQueue;

}                                                          // To here.

@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)                                 // Add from here to end of file
class StartTime extends _$StartTime {
  DateTime? build() => _start;

  DateTime? _start;

  void start() {
    _start = DateTime.now();

@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
class EndTime extends _$EndTime {
  DateTime? build() => _end;

  DateTime? _end;

  void clear() {
    _end = null;

  void end() {
    _end = DateTime.now();

const _estimatedTotalCoverage = 0.54;

Duration expectedRemainingTime(ExpectedRemainingTimeRef ref) {
  final startTime = ref.watch(startTimeProvider);
  final endTime = ref.watch(endTimeProvider);
  final workQueueAsync = ref.watch(workQueueProvider);

  return workQueueAsync.when(
    data: (workQueue) {
      if (startTime == null || endTime != null || workQueue.isCompleted) {
        return Duration.zero;
      try {
        final soFar = DateTime.now().difference(startTime);
        final completedPercentage = min(
            (workQueue.crossword.characters.length /
                (workQueue.crossword.width * workQueue.crossword.height) /
        final expectedTotal = soFar.inSeconds / completedPercentage;
        final expectedRemaining = expectedTotal - soFar.inSeconds;
        return Duration(seconds: expectedRemaining.toInt());
      } catch (e) {
        return Duration.zero;
    error: (error, stackTrace) => Duration.zero,
    loading: () => Duration.zero,

/// A provider that holds whether to display info.
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
class ShowDisplayInfo extends _$ShowDisplayInfo {
  var _display = true;

  bool build() => _display;

  void toggle() {
    _display = !_display;

/// A provider that summarise the DisplayInfo from a [model.WorkQueue].
class DisplayInfo extends _$DisplayInfo {
  model.DisplayInfo build() => ref.watch(workQueueProvider).when(
        data: (workQueue) => model.DisplayInfo.from(workQueue: workQueue),
        error: (error, stackTrace) => model.DisplayInfo.empty,
        loading: () => model.DisplayInfo.empty,

新的提供者既有全局状态,包括是否应将信息显示叠加在填字游戏网格上,还会衍生数据,例如填字游戏生成的运行时间。由于某些状态的监听器是暂时的,因此所有这些操作都变得复杂。如果隐藏了填字游戏计算的开始和结束时间,则不会监听到任何内容。但如果在显示信息显示时计算结果准确无误,这些内容就需要保留在内存中。在这种情况下,Riverpod 属性的 keepAlive 参数会非常有用。

在显示信息显示区域时,有一个轻微起伏的痕迹。我们希望能够显示当前经过的运行时间,但此处没有任何方法可以轻松地强制持续更新当前经过的时间。回到在 Flutter 中构建新一代界面 Codelab,这是一个满足此要求的实用 widget。

  1. lib/widgets 目录中创建一个 ticker_builder.dart 文件,然后向其添加以下内容:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';

/// A Builder widget that invokes its [builder] function on every animation frame.
class TickerBuilder extends StatefulWidget {
  const TickerBuilder({super.key, required this.builder});
  final Widget Function(BuildContext context) builder;
  State<TickerBuilder> createState() => _TickerBuilderState();

class _TickerBuilderState extends State<TickerBuilder>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  late final Ticker _ticker;

  void initState() {
    _ticker = createTicker(_handleTick)..start();

  void dispose() {

  void _handleTick(Duration elapsed) {
    setState(() {
      // Force a rebuild without changing the widget tree.

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => widget.builder.call(context);

这个微件是一把大锤。它会在每一帧上重建内容。人们通常对此感到不满,但与搜索填字游戏的计算负载相比,重新绘制每帧经过的时间的计算负载可能会消失在杂讯中。为了利用这些新派生的信息,是时候创建新的 widget 了。

  1. lib/widgets 目录中创建一个 crossword_info_widget.dart 文件,然后向其添加以下内容:


class CrosswordInfoWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
  const CrosswordInfoWidget({

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
    final displayInfo = ref.watch(displayInfoProvider);
    final startTime = ref.watch(startTimeProvider);
    final endTime = ref.watch(endTimeProvider);
    final remaining = ref.watch(expectedRemainingTimeProvider);

    return Align(
      alignment: Alignment.bottomRight,
      child: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
          right: 32.0,
          bottom: 32.0,
        child: ClipRRect(
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
          child: ColoredBox(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimary.withAlpha(230),
            child: Padding(
              padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                horizontal: 12,
                vertical: 8,
              child: DefaultTextStyle(
                style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 16, color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary),
                child: Column(
                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                  children: [
                        label: 'Grid Size',
                        value: '${size.width} x ${size.height}'),
                        label: 'Words in grid',
                        value: displayInfo.wordsInGridCount),
                        label: 'Candidate words',
                        value: displayInfo.candidateWordsCount),
                        label: 'Locations to explore',
                        value: displayInfo.locationsToExploreCount),
                        label: 'Known bad locations',
                        value: displayInfo.knownBadLocationsCount),
                        label: 'Grid filled',
                        value: displayInfo.gridFilledPercentage),
                    switch ((startTime, endTime)) {
                      (null, _) => _CrosswordInfoRichText(
                          label: 'Time elapsed',
                          value: 'Not started yet',
                      (DateTime start, null) => TickerBuilder(
                          builder: (context) => _CrosswordInfoRichText(
                            label: 'Time elapsed',
                            value: DateTime.now().difference(start).formatted,
                      (DateTime start, DateTime end) => _CrosswordInfoRichText(
                          label: 'Completed in',
                          value: end.difference(start).formatted),
                    if (startTime != null && endTime == null)
                          label: 'Est. remaining', value: remaining.formatted),

class _CrosswordInfoRichText extends StatelessWidget {
  final String label;
  final String value;

  const _CrosswordInfoRichText({required this.label, required this.value});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => RichText(
        text: TextSpan(
          children: [
              text: '$label ',
              style: DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style,
              text: value,
              style: DefaultTextStyle.of(context)
                  .copyWith(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),

此 widget 是 Riverpod 的提供程序强大功能的一个典型示例。当五个提供程序中的任何一个进行更新时,此 widget 都将标记为重新构建。此步骤中最后一项需要进行的更改是将这个新的 widget 集成到界面中。

  1. 按如下方式修改 crossword_generator_app.dart 文件:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

import '../providers.dart';
import 'crossword_info_widget.dart';                       // Add this import
import 'crossword_widget.dart';

class CrosswordGeneratorApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const CrosswordGeneratorApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return _EagerInitialization(
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          actions: [_CrosswordGeneratorMenu()],
          titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
            fontSize: 16,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          title: Text('Crossword Generator'),
        body: SafeArea(
          child: Consumer(                                 // Modify from here
            builder: (context, ref, child) {
              return Stack(
                children: [
                    child: CrosswordWidget(),
                  if (ref.watch(showDisplayInfoProvider)) CrosswordInfoWidget(),
          ),                                               // To here.

class _EagerInitialization extends ConsumerWidget {
  const _EagerInitialization({required this.child});
  final Widget child;

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    return child;

class _CrosswordGeneratorMenu extends ConsumerWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) => MenuAnchor(
        menu Children: [
          for (final entry in CrosswordSize.values)
              onPressed: () => ref.read(sizeProvider.notifier).setSize(entry),
              leadingIcon: entry == ref.watch(sizeProvider)
                  ? Icon(Icons.radio_button_checked_outlined)
                  : Icon(Icons.radio_button_unchecked_outlined),
              child: Text(entry.label),
          MenuItemButton(                                  // Add from here
            leadingIcon: ref.watch(showDisplayInfoProvider)
                ? Icon(Icons.check_box_outlined)
                : Icon(Icons.check_box_outline_blank_outlined),
            onPressed: () =>
            child: Text('Display Info'),
          ),                                               // To here.
        builder: (context, controller, child) => IconButton(
          onPressed: () => controller.open(),
          icon: Icon(Icons.settings),

此处的两项更改展示了集成提供程序的不同方法。在 CrosswordGeneratorAppbuild 方法中,您引入了一个新的 Consumer 构建器,其中包含在显示或隐藏信息显示时被强制重建的区域。另一方面,整个下拉菜单是一个 ConsumerWidget,无论是调整填字游戏的大小还是显示或隐藏信息,该下拉菜单都会重新构建。无论采用哪种方法,始终需要在工程方面进行权衡,而这又需要重新计算重新构建的 widget 树的布局。


Crossword Generator 应用窗口,这次的窗口较小,易于识别的字词,右下角有一个浮动叠加层,显示有关当前世代运行的统计信息


8. 与线程并行处理

为了理解最后运行速度变慢的原因,直观了解算法的运行情况很有帮助。关键部分是 WorkQueue 中未完成的 locationsToTry。TableView 为我们提供了一种调查方法的实用方法。我们可以根据单元格颜色是否为 locationsToTry 来更改其颜色。


  1. 按如下方式修改 crossword_widget.dart 文件:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:two_dimensional_scrollables/two_dimensional_scrollables.dart';

import '../model.dart';
import '../providers.dart';

class CrosswordWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
  const CrosswordWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
    return TableView.builder(
      diagonalDragBehavior: DiagonalDragBehavior.free,
      cellBuilder: _buildCell,
      columnCount: size.width,
      columnBuilder: (index) => _buildSpan(context, index),
      rowCount: size.height,
      rowBuilder: (index) => _buildSpan(context, index),

  TableViewCell _buildCell(BuildContext context, TableVicinity vicinity) {
    final location = Location.at(vicinity.column, vicinity.row);

    return TableViewCell(
      child: Consumer(
        builder: (context, ref, _) {
          final character = ref.watch(
              (workQueueAsync) => workQueueAsync.when(
                data: (workQueue) => workQueue.crossword.characters[location],
                error: (error, stackTrace) => null,
                loading: () => null,

          final explorationCell = ref.watch(               // Add from here
              (workQueueAsync) => workQueueAsync.when(
                data: (workQueue) =>
                error: (error, stackTrace) => false,
                loading: () => false,
          );                                               // To here.

          if (character != null) {                         // Modify from here
            return AnimatedContainer(
              duration: Durations.extralong1,
              curve: Curves.easeInOut,
              color: explorationCell
                  ? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary
                  : Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimary,
              child: Center(
                child: AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
                  duration: Durations.extralong1,
                  curve: Curves.easeInOut,
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 24,
                    color: explorationCell
                        ? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimary
                        : Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
                  child: Text(character.character),
                ),                                          // To here.

          return ColoredBox(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryContainer,

  TableSpan _buildSpan(BuildContext context, int index) {
    return TableSpan(
      extent: FixedTableSpanExtent(32),
      foregroundDecoration: TableSpanDecoration(
        border: TableSpanBorder(
          leading: BorderSide(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer),
          trailing: BorderSide(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer),




  1. 修改 isolates.dart 文件。这几乎是对代码的完全重写,目的是将一个后台隔离中正在计算的内容拆分到 N 个后台隔离池中。


import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:characters/characters.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';

import 'model.dart';
import 'utils.dart';

Stream<WorkQueue> exploreCrosswordSolutions({
  required Crossword crossword,
  required BuiltSet<String> wordList,
  required int maxWorkerCount,
}) async* {
  final start = DateTime.now();
  var workQueue = WorkQueue.from(
    crossword: crossword,
    candidateWords: wordList,
    startLocation: Location.at(0, 0),
  while (!workQueue.isCompleted) {
    try {
      workQueue = await compute(_generate, (workQueue, maxWorkerCount));
      yield workQueue;
    } catch (e) {
      debugPrint('Error running isolate: $e');

  debugPrint('Generated ${workQueue.crossword.width} x '
      '${workQueue.crossword.height} crossword in '
      '${DateTime.now().difference(start).formatted} '
      'with $maxWorkerCount workers.');

Future<WorkQueue> _generate((WorkQueue, int) workMessage) async {
  var (workQueue, maxWorkerCount) = workMessage;
  final candidateGeneratorFutures = <Future<(Location, Direction, String?)>>[];
  final locations = workQueue.locationsToTry.keys.toBuiltList().rebuild((b) => b

  for (final location in locations) {
    final direction = workQueue.locationsToTry[location]!;

        (workQueue.crossword, workQueue.candidateWords, location, direction)));

  try {
    final results = await candidateGeneratorFutures.wait;
    var crossword = workQueue.crossword;
    for (final (location, direction, word) in results) {
      if (word != null) {
        final candidate = crossword.addWord(
            location: location, word: word, direction: direction);
        if (candidate != null) {
          crossword = candidate;
      } else {
        workQueue = workQueue.remove(location);

    workQueue = workQueue.updateFrom(crossword);
  } catch (e) {

  return workQueue;

(Location, Direction, String?) _generateCandidate(
    (Crossword, BuiltSet<String>, Location, Direction) searchDetailMessage) {
  final (crossword, candidateWords, location, direction) = searchDetailMessage;

  final target = crossword.characters[location];
  if (target == null) {
    return (location, direction, candidateWords.randomElement());

  // Filter down the candidate word list to those that contain the letter
  // at the current location
  final words = candidateWords.toBuiltList().rebuild((b) => b
    ..where((b) => b.characters.contains(target.character))
  int tryCount = 0;
  final start = DateTime.now();
  for (final word in words) {
    for (final (index, character) in word.characters.indexed) {
      if (character != target.character) continue;

      final candidate = crossword.addWord(
        location: switch (direction) {
          Direction.across => location.leftOffset(index),
          Direction.down => location.upOffset(index),
        word: word,
        direction: direction,
      if (candidate != null) {
        return switch (direction) {
          Direction.across => (location.leftOffset(index), direction, word),
          Direction.down => (location.upOffset(index), direction, word),
      final deltaTime = DateTime.now().difference(start);
      if (tryCount >= 1000 || deltaTime > Duration(seconds: 10)) {
        return (location, direction, null);

  return (location, direction, null);

您应该熟悉此代码的大部分内容,因为核心业务逻辑并未更改。不同的是,现在有两层 compute 调用。第一层负责将搜索的各个位置分配给 N 个工作器隔离,然后在所有 N 个工作器隔离完成后重新组合结果。第二层包含 N 个工作器隔离。能否调优 N 以获得最佳效果取决于您的计算机和相关数据。网格越大,越多的工作器可以协同工作,而不会相互干扰。

一个有趣的问题是,请注意此代码现在如何处理闭包捕获它们本不该捕获的内容的问题。目前没有封闭信息。_generate_generateWorker 函数被定义为顶级函数,这些函数没有可捕获的周围环境。传入的参数和这两个函数的结果均采用 Dart 记录的形式。这是一种处理 compute 调用的语义(一个值和一个值输出)的简单方法。


  1. 通过修改 workQueue 提供程序来修改 providers.dart 文件,如下所示:


Stream<model.WorkQueue> workQueue(WorkQueueRef ref) async* {
  final workers = ref.watch(workerCountProvider);          // Add this line
  final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
  final wordListAsync = ref.watch(wordListProvider);
  final emptyCrossword =
      model.Crossword.crossword(width: size.width, height: size.height);
  final emptyWorkQueue = model.WorkQueue.from(
    crossword: emptyCrossword,
    candidateWords: BuiltSet<String>(),
    startLocation: model.Location.at(0, 0),


  yield* wordListAsync.when(
    data: (wordList) => exploreCrosswordSolutions(
      crossword: emptyCrossword,
      wordList: wordList,
      maxWorkerCount: workers.count,                       // Add this line
    error: (error, stackTrace) async* {
      debugPrint('Error loading word list: $error');
      yield emptyWorkQueue;
    loading: () async* {
      yield emptyWorkQueue;

  1. WorkerCount 提供程序添加到文件末尾,如下所示:


/// A provider that summarise the DisplayInfo from a [model.WorkQueue].
class DisplayInfo extends _$DisplayInfo {
  model.DisplayInfo build() => ref.watch(workQueueProvider).when(
        data: (workQueue) => model.DisplayInfo.from(workQueue: workQueue),
        error: (error, stackTrace) => model.DisplayInfo.empty,
        loading: () => model.DisplayInfo.empty,

enum BackgroundWorkers {                                   // Add from here 

  const BackgroundWorkers(this.count);

  final int count;
  String get label => count.toString();

/// A provider that holds the current number of background workers to use.
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
class WorkerCount extends _$WorkerCount {
  var _count = BackgroundWorkers.four;

  BackgroundWorkers build() => _count;

  void setCount(BackgroundWorkers count) {
    _count = count;
}                                                          // To here.


  1. 通过修改 CrosswordInfoWidget 来更新 crossword_info_widget.dart 文件,如下所示:


class CrosswordInfoWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
  const CrosswordInfoWidget({

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
    final displayInfo = ref.watch(displayInfoProvider);
    final workerCount = ref.watch(workerCountProvider).label;  // Add this line
    final startTime = ref.watch(startTimeProvider);
    final endTime = ref.watch(endTimeProvider);
    final remaining = ref.watch(expectedRemainingTimeProvider);

    return Align(
      alignment: Alignment.bottomRight,
      child: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
          right: 32.0,
          bottom: 32.0,
        child: ClipRRect(
          borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
          child: ColoredBox(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimary.withAlpha(230),
            child: Padding(
              padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                horizontal: 12,
                vertical: 8,
              child: DefaultTextStyle(
                style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 16, color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary),
                child: Column(
                  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
                  children: [
                        label: 'Grid Size',
                        value: '${size.width} x ${size.height}'),
                        label: 'Words in grid',
                        value: displayInfo.wordsInGridCount),
                        label: 'Candidate words',
                        value: displayInfo.candidateWordsCount),
                        label: 'Locations to explore',
                        value: displayInfo.locationsToExploreCount),
                        label: 'Known bad locations',
                        value: displayInfo.knownBadLocationsCount),
                        label: 'Grid filled',
                        value: displayInfo.gridFilledPercentage),
                    _CrosswordInfoRichText(               // Add these two lines
                        label: 'Max worker count', value: workerCount),
                    switch ((startTime, endTime)) {
                      (null, _) => _CrosswordInfoRichText(
                          label: 'Time elapsed',
                          value: 'Not started yet',
                      (DateTime start, null) => TickerBuilder(
                          builder: (context) => _CrosswordInfoRichText(
                            label: 'Time elapsed',
                            value: DateTime.now().difference(start).formatted,
                      (DateTime start, DateTime end) => _CrosswordInfoRichText(
                          label: 'Completed in',
                          value: end.difference(start).formatted),
                    if (startTime != null && endTime == null)
                          label: 'Est. remaining', value: remaining.formatted),
  1. 通过将以下部分添加到 _CrosswordGeneratorMenu widget 来修改 crossword_generator_app.dart 文件:


class _CrosswordGeneratorMenu extends ConsumerWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) => MenuAnchor(
        menuChildren: [
          for (final entry in CrosswordSize.values)
              onPressed: () => ref.read(sizeProvider.notifier).setSize(entry),
              leadingIcon: entry == ref.watch(sizeProvider)
                  ? Icon(Icons.radio_button_checked_outlined)
                  : Icon(Icons.radio_button_unchecked_outlined),
              child: Text(entry.label),
            leadingIcon: ref.watch(showDisplayInfoProvider)
                ? Icon(Icons.check_box_outlined)
                : Icon(Icons.check_box_outline_blank_outlined),
            onPressed: () =>
            child: Text('Display Info'),
          for (final count in BackgroundWorkers.values)    // Add from here
              leadingIcon: count == ref.watch(workerCountProvider)
                  ? Icon(Icons.radio_button_checked_outlined)
                  : Icon(Icons.radio_button_unchecked_outlined),
              onPressed: () =>
              child: Text(count.label),                    // To here.
        builder: (context, controller, child) => IconButton(
          onPressed: () => controller.open(),
          icon: Icon(Icons.settings),


  1. 点击 中的齿轮图标可打开上下文菜单,其中包含填字游戏的大小调整、是否显示当前生成的填字游戏的统计信息,现在还有要使用的隔离数。


通过同时使用多个核心,运行填字生成器显著缩短了 80x44 填字游戏的计算时间。

9. 玩转游戏



需要权衡的是,要妥善润色此 proto 游戏,使其成为完整的游戏,将需要大量代码。超出单个 Codelab 应该包含的代码量。因此,这是一个加速步骤,旨在通过更改使用位置和方式,强化到目前为止在此 Codelab 中学到的技术。希望这能巩固本 Codelab 前面学到的知识。或者,您也可以继续基于此代码构建您自己的体验。我们期待看到您构建的应用!


  1. 删除 lib/widgets 目录中的所有内容。您将为游戏创建全新的微件。这恰好借用了旧的 widget 的很多功能。
  2. 修改 model.dart 文件以更新 CrosswordaddWord 方法,如下所示:


  /// Add a word to the crossword at the given location and direction.
  Crossword? addWord({
    required Location location,
    required String word,
    required Direction direction,
    bool requireOverlap = true,                            // Add this parameter
  }) {
    // Require that the word is not already in the crossword.
    if (words.map((crosswordWord) => crosswordWord.word).contains(word)) {
      return null;

    final wordCharacters = word.characters;
    bool overlap = false;

    // Check that the word fits in the crossword.
    for (final (index, character) in wordCharacters.indexed) {
      final characterLocation = switch (direction) {
        Direction.across => location.rightOffset(index),
        Direction.down => location.downOffset(index),

      final target = characters[characterLocation];
      if (target != null) {
        overlap = true;
        if (target.character != character) {
          return null;
        if (direction == Direction.across && target.acrossWord != null ||
            direction == Direction.down && target.downWord != null) {
          return null;
                                                           // Edit from here
    // If overlap is required, make sure that the word overlaps with an existing
    // word. Skip this test if the crossword is empty.
    if (words.isNotEmpty && !overlap && requireOverlap) {  // To here.
      return null;

    final candidate = rebuild(
      (b) => b
            word: word,
            direction: direction,
            location: location,

    if (candidate.valid) {
      return candidate;
    } else {
      return null;

通过对您的填字模型进行这种细微修改,您可以添加不重叠的字词。让玩家可以在棋盘上的任意位置玩游戏,同时仍然能够使用 Crossword 作为基本模型来存储玩家的步数,这会非常有用。它只是位于特定方向上的特定位置的字词列表。

  1. CrosswordPuzzleGame 模型类添加到 model.dart 文件的末尾。


/// Creates a puzzle from a crossword and a set of candidate words.
abstract class CrosswordPuzzleGame
    implements Built<CrosswordPuzzleGame, CrosswordPuzzleGameBuilder> {
  static Serializer<CrosswordPuzzleGame> get serializer =>

  /// The [Crossword] that this puzzle is based on.
  Crossword get crossword;

  /// The alternate words for each [CrosswordWord] in the crossword.
  BuiltMap<Location, BuiltMap<Direction, BuiltList<String>>> get alternateWords;

  /// The player's selected words.
  BuiltList<CrosswordWord> get selectedWords;

  bool canSelectWord({
    required Location location,
    required String word,
    required Direction direction,
  }) {
    final crosswordWord = CrosswordWord.word(
      word: word,
      location: location,
      direction: direction,

    if (selectedWords.contains(crosswordWord)) {
      return true;

    var puzzle = this;

    if (puzzle.selectedWords
        .where((b) => b.direction == direction && b.location == location)
        .isNotEmpty) {
      puzzle = puzzle.rebuild((b) => b
          (selectedWord) =>
              selectedWord.location == location &&
              selectedWord.direction == direction,

    return null !=
            location: location,
            word: word,
            direction: direction,
            requireOverlap: false);

  CrosswordPuzzleGame? selectWord({
    required Location location,
    required String word,
    required Direction direction,
  }) {
    final crosswordWord = CrosswordWord.word(
      word: word,
      location: location,
      direction: direction,

    if (selectedWords.contains(crosswordWord)) {
      return rebuild((b) => b.selectedWords.remove(crosswordWord));

    var puzzle = this;

    if (puzzle.selectedWords
        .where((b) => b.direction == direction && b.location == location)
        .isNotEmpty) {
      puzzle = puzzle.rebuild((b) => b
          (selectedWord) =>
              selectedWord.location == location &&
              selectedWord.direction == direction,

    // Check if the selected word meshes with the already selected words.
    // Note this version of the crossword does not enforce overlap to
    // allow the player to select words anywhere on the grid. Enforcing words
    // to be solved in order is a possible alternative.
    final updatedSelectedWordsCrossword =
      location: location,
      word: word,
      direction: direction,
      requireOverlap: false,

    // Make sure the selected word is in the crossword or is an alternate word.
    if (updatedSelectedWordsCrossword != null) {
      if (puzzle.crossword.words.contains(crosswordWord) ||
          puzzle.alternateWords[location]?[direction]?.contains(word) == true) {
        return puzzle.rebuild((b) => b
              word: word, location: location, direction: direction)));
    return null;

  /// The crossword from the selected words.
  Crossword get crosswordFromSelectedWords => Crossword.crossword(
      width: crossword.width, height: crossword.height, words: selectedWords);

  /// Test if the puzzle is solved. Note, this allows for the possibility of
  /// multiple solutions.
  bool get solved =>
      crosswordFromSelectedWords.valid &&
      crosswordFromSelectedWords.words.length == crossword.words.length &&

  /// Create a crossword puzzle game from a crossword and a set of candidate
  /// words.
  factory CrosswordPuzzleGame.from({
    required Crossword crossword,
    required BuiltSet<String> candidateWords,
  }) {
    // Remove all of the currently used words from the list of candidates
    candidateWords = candidateWords
        .rebuild((p0) => p0.removeAll(crossword.words.map((p1) => p1.word)));

    // This is the list of alternate words for each word in the crossword
    var alternates =
        BuiltMap<Location, BuiltMap<Direction, BuiltList<String>>>();

    // Build the alternate words for each word in the crossword
    for (final crosswordWord in crossword.words) {
      final alternateWords = candidateWords.toBuiltList().rebuild((b) => b
        ..where((b) => b.length == crosswordWord.word.length)

      candidateWords =
          candidateWords.rebuild((b) => b.removeAll(alternateWords));

      alternates = alternates.rebuild(
        (b) => b.updateValue(
          (b) => b.rebuild(
            (b) => b.updateValue(
              (b) => b.rebuild((b) => b.replace(alternateWords)),
              ifAbsent: () => alternateWords,
          ifAbsent: () => {crosswordWord.direction: alternateWords}.build(),

    return CrosswordPuzzleGame((b) {

  factory CrosswordPuzzleGame(
          [void Function(CrosswordPuzzleGameBuilder)? updates]) =

/// Construct the serialization/deserialization code for the data model.
  CrosswordPuzzleGame,                                     // Add this line
final Serializers serializers = _$serializers;

providers.dart 文件的更新是一个很有趣的变化包。之前用于支持统计信息收集的大多数提供商已被移除。我们已移除更改背景隔离数量的功能,取而代之的是常量。此外,还有一个新的提供程序,可提供对您刚刚添加的新 CrosswordPuzzleGame 模型的访问权限。


import 'dart:convert';
                                                           // Drop the dart:math import

import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:riverpod_annotation/riverpod_annotation.dart';

import 'isolates.dart';
import 'model.dart' as model;

part 'providers.g.dart';

const backgroundWorkerCount = 4;                           // Add this line

/// A provider for the wordlist to use when generating the crossword.
Future<BuiltSet<String>> wordList(WordListRef ref) async {
  // This codebase requires that all words consist of lowercase characters
  // in the range 'a'-'z'. Words containing uppercase letters will be
  // lowercased, and words containing runes outside this range will
  // be removed.

  final re = RegExp(r'^[a-z]+$');
  final words = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/words.txt');
  return const LineSplitter().convert(words).toBuiltSet().rebuild((b) => b
    ..map((word) => word.toLowerCase().trim())
    ..where((word) => word.length > 2)
    ..where((word) => re.hasMatch(word)));

/// An enumeration for different sizes of [model.Crossword]s.
enum CrosswordSize {
  small(width: 20, height: 11),
  medium(width: 40, height: 22),
  large(width: 80, height: 44),
  xlarge(width: 160, height: 88),
  xxlarge(width: 500, height: 500);

  const CrosswordSize({
    required this.width,
    required this.height,

  final int width;
  final int height;
  String get label => '$width x $height';

/// A provider that holds the current size of the crossword to generate.
@Riverpod(keepAlive: true)
class Size extends _$Size {
  var _size = CrosswordSize.medium;

  CrosswordSize build() => _size;

  void setSize(CrosswordSize size) {
    _size = size;

Stream<model.WorkQueue> workQueue(WorkQueueRef ref) async* {
  final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);                   // Drop the ref.watch(workerCountProvider)
  final wordListAsync = ref.watch(wordListProvider);
  final emptyCrossword =
      model.Crossword.crossword(width: size.width, height: size.height);
  final emptyWorkQueue = model.WorkQueue.from(
    crossword: emptyCrossword,
    candidateWords: BuiltSet<String>(),
    startLocation: model.Location.at(0, 0),
                                                          // Drop the startTimeProvider and endTimeProvider refs
  yield* wordListAsync.when(
    data: (wordList) => exploreCrosswordSolutions(
      crossword: emptyCrossword,
      wordList: wordList,
      maxWorkerCount: backgroundWorkerCount,              // Edit this line
    error: (error, stackTrace) async* {
      debugPrint('Error loading word list: $error');
      yield emptyWorkQueue;
    loading: () async* {
      yield emptyWorkQueue;
}                                                         // Drop the endTimeProvider ref

@riverpod                                                 // Add from here to end of file
class Puzzle extends _$Puzzle {
  model.CrosswordPuzzleGame _puzzle = model.CrosswordPuzzleGame.from(
    crossword: model.Crossword.crossword(width: 0, height: 0),
    candidateWords: BuiltSet<String>(),

  model.CrosswordPuzzleGame build() {
    final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
    final wordList = ref.watch(wordListProvider).value;
    final workQueue = ref.watch(workQueueProvider).value;

    if (wordList != null &&
        workQueue != null &&
        workQueue.isCompleted &&
        (_puzzle.crossword.height != size.height ||
            _puzzle.crossword.width != size.width ||
            _puzzle.crossword != workQueue.crossword)) {
      compute(_puzzleFromCrosswordTrampoline, (workQueue.crossword, wordList))
          .then((puzzle) {
        _puzzle = puzzle;

    return _puzzle;

  Future<void> selectWord({
    required model.Location location,
    required String word,
    required model.Direction direction,
  }) async {
    final candidate = await compute(
        _puzzleSelectWordTrampoline, (_puzzle, location, word, direction));

    if (candidate != null) {
      _puzzle = candidate;
    } else {
      debugPrint('Invalid word selection: $word');

  bool canSelectWord({
    required model.Location location,
    required String word,
    required model.Direction direction,
  }) {
    return _puzzle.canSelectWord(
      location: location,
      word: word,
      direction: direction,

// Trampoline functions to disentangle these Isolate target calls from the
// unsendable reference to the [Puzzle] provider.

Future<model.CrosswordPuzzleGame> _puzzleFromCrosswordTrampoline(
        (model.Crossword, BuiltSet<String>) args) async =>
    model.CrosswordPuzzleGame.from(crossword: args.$1, candidateWords: args.$2);

model.CrosswordPuzzleGame? _puzzleSelectWordTrampoline(
        ) args) =>
    args.$1.selectWord(location: args.$2, word: args.$3, direction: args.$4);

Puzzle 提供程序中,最有趣的部分是旨在忽略通过 CrosswordwordList 创建 CrosswordPuzzleGame 的费用以及选择字词的策略。在没有背景隔离的情况下执行这两项操作时,会导致界面交互迟缓。在后台计算最终结果时,您不费吹灰之力地推出中间结果,最终会得到一个响应式界面,同时在后台进行所需计算。

  1. 在现在为空的 lib/widgets 目录中,创建一个包含以下内容的 crossword_puzzle_app.dart 文件:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

import '../providers.dart';
import 'crossword_generator_widget.dart';
import 'crossword_puzzle_widget.dart';
import 'puzzle_completed_widget.dart';

class CrosswordPuzzleApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const CrosswordPuzzleApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return _EagerInitialization(
      child: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          actions: [_CrosswordPuzzleAppMenu()],
          titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
            fontSize: 16,
            fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          title: Text('Crossword Puzzle'),
        body: SafeArea(
          child: Consumer(builder: (context, ref, _) {
            final workQueueAsync = ref.watch(workQueueProvider);
            final puzzleSolved =
                ref.watch(puzzleProvider.select((puzzle) => puzzle.solved));

            return workQueueAsync.when(
              data: (workQueue) {
                if (puzzleSolved) {
                  return PuzzleCompletedWidget();
                if (workQueue.isCompleted &&
                    workQueue.crossword.characters.isNotEmpty) {
                  return CrosswordPuzzleWidget();
                return CrosswordGeneratorWidget();
              loading: () => Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
              error: (error, stackTrace) => Center(child: Text('$error')),

class _EagerInitialization extends ConsumerWidget {
  const _EagerInitialization({required this.child});
  final Widget child;

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    return child;

class _CrosswordPuzzleAppMenu extends ConsumerWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) => MenuAnchor(
        menuChildren: [
          for (final entry in CrosswordSize.values)
              onPressed: () => ref.read(sizeProvider.notifier).setSize(entry),
              leadingIcon: entry == ref.watch(sizeProvider)
                  ? Icon(Icons.radio_button_checked_outlined)
                  : Icon(Icons.radio_button_unchecked_outlined),
              child: Text(entry.label),
        builder: (context, controller, child) => IconButton(
          onPressed: () => controller.open(),
          icon: Icon(Icons.settings),

现在,此文件中的大部分内容应该都非常熟悉。是的,会有未定义的 widget,您现在可以开始修复这些 widget。

  1. 创建一个 crossword_generator_widget.dart 文件并向其添加以下内容:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:two_dimensional_scrollables/two_dimensional_scrollables.dart';

import '../model.dart';
import '../providers.dart';

class CrosswordGeneratorWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
  const CrosswordGeneratorWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
    return TableView.builder(
      diagonalDragBehavior: DiagonalDragBehavior.free,
      cellBuilder: _buildCell,
      columnCount: size.width,
      columnBuilder: (index) => _buildSpan(context, index),
      rowCount: size.height,
      rowBuilder: (index) => _buildSpan(context, index),

  TableViewCell _buildCell(BuildContext context, TableVicinity vicinity) {
    final location = Location.at(vicinity.column, vicinity.row);

    return TableViewCell(
      child: Consumer(
        builder: (context, ref, _) {
          final character = ref.watch(
              (workQueueAsync) => workQueueAsync.when(
                data: (workQueue) => workQueue.crossword.characters[location],
                error: (error, stackTrace) => null,
                loading: () => null,

          final explorationCell = ref.watch(
              (workQueueAsync) => workQueueAsync.when(
                data: (workQueue) =>
                error: (error, stackTrace) => false,
                loading: () => false,

          if (character != null) {
            return AnimatedContainer(
              duration: Durations.extralong1,
              curve: Curves.easeInOut,
              color: explorationCell
                  ? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary
                  : Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimary,
              child: Center(
                child: AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
                  duration: Durations.extralong1,
                  curve: Curves.easeInOut,
                  style: TextStyle(
                    fontSize: 24,
                    color: explorationCell
                        ? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimary
                        : Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
                  child: Text('•'), // https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+2022

          return ColoredBox(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryContainer,

  TableSpan _buildSpan(BuildContext context, int index) {
    return TableSpan(
      extent: FixedTableSpanExtent(32),
      foregroundDecoration: TableSpanDecoration(
        border: TableSpanBorder(
          leading: BorderSide(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer),
          trailing: BorderSide(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer),

您也应该对此感到非常熟悉主要区别在于,您现在显示的是 Unicode 字符,表示存在未知字符,而不是显示所生成的字词的字符。这确实需要付出一些努力来改善美感。

  1. 创建 crossword_puzzle_widget.dart 文件并向其添加以下内容:


import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:two_dimensional_scrollables/two_dimensional_scrollables.dart';

import '../model.dart';
import '../providers.dart';

class CrosswordPuzzleWidget extends ConsumerWidget {
  const CrosswordPuzzleWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final size = ref.watch(sizeProvider);
    return TableView.builder(
      diagonalDragBehavior: DiagonalDragBehavior.free,
      cellBuilder: _buildCell,
      columnCount: size.width,
      columnBuilder: (index) => _buildSpan(context, index),
      rowCount: size.height,
      rowBuilder: (index) => _buildSpan(context, index),

  TableViewCell _buildCell(BuildContext context, TableVicinity vicinity) {
    final location = Location.at(vicinity.column, vicinity.row);

    return TableViewCell(
      child: Consumer(
        builder: (context, ref, _) {
          final character = ref.watch(puzzleProvider
              .select((puzzle) => puzzle.crossword.characters[location]));
          final selectedCharacter = ref.watch(puzzleProvider.select((puzzle) =>
          final alternateWords = ref
              .watch(puzzleProvider.select((puzzle) => puzzle.alternateWords));

          if (character != null) {
            final acrossWord = character.acrossWord;
            var acrossWords = BuiltList<String>();
            if (acrossWord != null) {
              acrossWords = acrossWords.rebuild((b) => b
                        ?[acrossWord.direction] ??

            final downWord = character.downWord;
            var downWords = BuiltList<String>();
            if (downWord != null) {
              downWords = downWords.rebuild((b) => b
                        ?[downWord.direction] ??

            return MenuAnchor(
              builder: (context, controller, _) {
                return GestureDetector(
                  onTapDown: (details) =>
                      controller.open(position: details.localPosition),
                  child: AnimatedContainer(
                    duration: Durations.extralong1,
                    curve: Curves.easeInOut,
                    color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimary,
                    child: Center(
                      child: AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(
                        duration: Durations.extralong1,
                        curve: Curves.easeInOut,
                        style: TextStyle(
                          fontSize: 24,
                          color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
                        child: Text(selectedCharacter?.character ?? ''),
              menuChildren: [
                if (acrossWords.isNotEmpty && downWords.isNotEmpty)
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
                    child: Text('Across'),
                for (final word in acrossWords)
                    location: acrossWord!.location,
                    word: word,
                    selectedCharacter: selectedCharacter,
                    direction: Direction.across,
                if (acrossWords.isNotEmpty && downWords.isNotEmpty)
                    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(4),
                    child: Text('Down'),
                for (final word in downWords)
                    location: downWord!.location,
                    word: word,
                    selectedCharacter: selectedCharacter,
                    direction: Direction.down,

          return ColoredBox(
            color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primaryContainer,

  TableSpan _buildSpan(BuildContext context, int index) {
    return TableSpan(
      extent: FixedTableSpanExtent(32),
      foregroundDecoration: TableSpanDecoration(
        border: TableSpanBorder(
          leading: BorderSide(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer),
          trailing: BorderSide(
              color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onPrimaryContainer),

class _WordSelectMenuItem extends ConsumerWidget {
  const _WordSelectMenuItem({
    required this.location,
    required this.word,
    required this.selectedCharacter,
    required this.direction,

  final Location location;
  final String word;
  final CrosswordCharacter? selectedCharacter;
  final Direction direction;

  Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
    final notifier = ref.read(puzzleProvider.notifier);
    return MenuItemButton(
      onPressed: ref.watch(puzzleProvider.select((puzzle) =>
                  location: location, word: word, direction: direction)))
          ? () => notifier.selectWord(
              location: location, word: word, direction: direction)
          : null,
      leadingIcon: switch (direction) {
        Direction.across => selectedCharacter?.acrossWord?.word == word,
        Direction.down => selectedCharacter?.downWord?.word == word,
          ? Icon(Icons.radio_button_checked_outlined)
          : Icon(Icons.radio_button_unchecked_outlined),
      child: Text(word),



  1. 创建一个 puzzle_completed_widget.dart 文件,然后向其添加以下内容:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class PuzzleCompletedWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  const PuzzleCompletedWidget({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Center(
      child: Text(
        'Puzzle Completed!',
        style: TextStyle(
          fontSize: 36,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

相信你一定能抓住这个机会,让它变得更有趣。如需详细了解动画工具,请参阅在 Flutter 中构建新一代界面 Codelab。

  1. 按如下方式修改 lib/main.dart 文件:


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart';

import 'widgets/crossword_puzzle_app.dart';                 // Update this line

void main() {
      child: MaterialApp(
        title: 'Crossword Puzzle',                          // Update this line
        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
        theme: ThemeData(
          useMaterial3: true,
          colorSchemeSeed: Colors.blueGrey,
          brightness: Brightness.light,
        home: CrosswordPuzzleApp(),                         // Update this line


Crossword Puzzle 应用窗口,显示了“Puzzle completed!”文本

10. 恭喜

恭喜!您已成功使用 Flutter 构建了一个益智游戏!

您构建了一个填字游戏生成器,现在变成了一款益智游戏。您已掌握在隔离池中运行后台计算的能力。您使用不可变数据结构来简化回溯算法的实现。您花了很多时间学习 TableView,下次需要显示表格数据时,这个工具会派上用场。
