1. Introduction
Last Updated: Jun 21, 2023
Alerting on Uptime Checks for Availability
Alerting on uptime checks allows you to quickly identify and resolve issues that may be impacting your services. By being alerted to outages, you can take steps to minimize the impact on your users and customers.
Uptime Checks occur in intervals, the shortest of which is 60 seconds. It may be useful to also monitor error codes as dynamic events through log-based alerts as an additional indicator of unavailability if you need granularity beyond 60 seconds. If a 60 second interval or longer is acceptable, Uptime checks are an easy way to measure your service with little additional configuration.
If a service is not available, an uptime check will detect the problem even if there is no traffic. Traffic, on the other hand, can be affected by factors such as maintenance, upgrades, and even factors external to the system, such as bad weather or sporting events that distract usage.
For more information on when to use uptime checks, please refer to Ensure the uptime of your Google Cloud resources.
Pub/Sub Topics as an Alert Notification Channel
A Pub/Sub topic can be used as a Google Cloud Monitoring notification channel to send alerts to a Pub/Sub subscription. This allows you to integrate your Cloud Monitoring alerts with other systems, including third-party notification services.
To use a Pub/Sub topic as a notification channel, you first need to create a Pub/Sub topic and a Pub/Sub subscription. Then, you need to create a Cloud Monitoring notification channel that uses the Pub/Sub topic as the destination.
When an alert is triggered, Cloud Monitoring will send a message to the Pub/Sub topic. The subscriber of the Pub/Sub subscription can then process the message and take appropriate action.
What you'll build
In this codelab, you're going to deploy an app, create a Pub/Sub topic, and create an uptime check alert for the app that uses the Pub/Sub topic as a notification channel.
What you'll learn
- How to create a Pub/Sub topic
- How to create an uptime check and alert
This codelab is focused on creating an alert for an uptime check. Non-relevant concepts and application code are glossed over and are provided for you to simply copy and paste.
What you'll need
- A Google Cloud account with permissions to:
- Deploy Cloud Run applications
- Create Pub/Sub topics
- Create uptime checks
- Create alerts
2. Getting set up
Select or Create a Google Cloud Project
To select an existing project, use the dropdown:
To create a new project in Google Cloud, you can follow these steps:
- Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
- Click the Create Project button.
- Enter a name for your project.
- Select a billing account for your project.
- Click the Create button.
Your project will be created and you will be taken to the project dashboard. From there, you can start using Google Cloud services.
Here are some additional details about each step:
- Name: The name of your project must be unique within your organization.
- Billing account: You can use an existing billing account or create a new one.
- Create: Once you have entered all the required information, click the Create button to create your project.
For more information, please see the Google Cloud documentation on creating projects.
3. Deploy the API Application
What is the sample application or API about?
Our application is a simple Inventory API application that exposes a REST API Endpoint with a couple of operations to list the inventory items and getting specific item inventory count.
Once we deploy the API and assuming that it is hosted at https://<somehost>, we can access the API endpoints as follows:
This will list down all the product items with the on-hand inventory levels.
This will provide a single record with the productid and on-hand inventory level for that product.
The returned response data is JSON format.
Note: This API application is for demo purposes only and does not represent a secure and robust API implementation. It is meant to have a quick application available to us, to explore the key purpose of the lab, i.e. Google Cloud Operations.
Sample Data and API Request/Response
The application is not powered by a database at the backend to keep things simple. It contains 3 sample product ids and their on-hand inventory levels.
Product Id | On-Hand Inventory Level |
I-1 | 10 |
I-2 | 20 |
I-3 | 30 |
Sample API Request and Response are shown below:
API Request | API Response |
https://<somehost>/inventory | [ { "I-1": 10, "I-2": 20, "I-3": 30 }] |
https://<somehost>/inventory/I-1 | { "productid": "I-1", "qty": 10} |
https://<somehost>/inventory/I-2 | { "productid": "I-2", "qty": 20} |
https://<somehost>/inventory/I-200 | { "productid": I-200, "qty": -1} |
Clone the Repository
While Google Cloud can be operated remotely from your laptop, in this codelab you will be using Google Cloud Shell, a command line environment running in the Cloud.
From the GCP Console click the Cloud Shell icon on the top right toolbar:
It should only take a few moments to provision and connect to the environment. When it is finished, you should see something like this:
This virtual machine is loaded with all the development tools you need. It offers a persistent 5GB home directory, and runs on Google Cloud, greatly enhancing network performance and authentication. All your work in this lab can be done with simply a browser.
Setup gcloud
In Cloud Shell, set your project ID and save it as the PROJECT_ID variable.
Now, execute the following command:
This will create a folder titled cloud-code-sample-repository in this folder.
(Optional) Run the application on Cloud Shell
You can run the application locally by following these steps:
- From the terminal, navigate to the Python version of the API via the following command:
- In the terminal, provide the following command (At the time of writing, Cloud Shell comes with Python 3.9.x installed and we will use the default version. If you plan to run it locally on your laptop, you can go with Python 3.8+) :
- You can run the following command to start the Python Server locally.
Click on Preview on port 8080. 5. This will open a browser window. You will see a 404 Error and that is fine. Modify URL and change it to just have /inventory after the host name.
For e.g. on my machine, it looks like this:
This will display the list of inventory items as explained earlier:
- You can stop the server now by going to the Terminal and pressing Ctrl-C
Deploy the application
We will now deploy this API application to Cloud Run. The process involved utilizing the gcloud command line client to run the command to deploy the code to Cloud Run.
From the terminal, give the following gcloud command:
$ gcloud run deploy --source .
This will ask you multiple questions and some of the points are mentioned below:
- Service name (python-flask-api): Either go with this default or choose something like my-inventory-api
- API [run.googleapis.com] not enabled on project [613162942481]. Would you like to enable and retry (this will take a few minutes)? (y/N)? Y
- Please specify a region: Choose 31 (us-west-1)
- API [artifactregistry.googleapis.com] not enabled on project [613162942481]. Would you like to enable and retry (this will take a few minutes)? (y/N)? Y
- Deploying from source requires an Artifact Registry Docker repository to store built containers. A repository named [cloud-run-source-deploy] in region [us-west1] will be created.
- Do you want to continue (Y/n)? Y
- Allow unauthenticated invocations to [my-inventory-api] (y/N)? Y
Eventually, this will kick-off the process to take your source code, containerize it, push it to the Artifact Registry and then deploy the Cloud Run service + revision. You should be patient through this process (can take 3-4 minutes) and you should see the process getting completed with the Service URL shown to you.
A sample run is shown below:
Test the application
Now that we have deployed the application to Cloud Run, you can access the API application as follows:
- Note the Service URL from the previous step. For example, on my setup, it is shown as
. Let's call this<SERVICE_URL>
. - Open a browser and access the following 3 URLs for the API endpoints:
It should be as per the specifications that we had provided in an earlier section with sample API Request and Response.
Get Service Details from Cloud Run
We deployed our API Service to Cloud Run, a serverless compute environment. We can visit the Cloud Run service via Google Cloud console at any point in time.
From the main menu, navigate to Cloud Run. This will display the list of services that you have running in Cloud Run. You should see the service that you just deployed. Depending on the name that you selected, you should see something like this:
Click the Service name to view the details. The sample details are shown below:
Notice the URL, which is nothing but the service URL that you can punch into the browser and access the Inventory API that we just deployed. Check out Metrics and other details.
Let's start with Google Cloud Operations Suite now.
4. Create a Pub/Sub Topic to Receive the Alert Notification
To create a Pub/Sub topic, you can follow these steps in the Google Cloud Console:
- Search Pub/Sub in the Search box, and navigate to Pub/Sub.
- Click the Topics tab if you are not already there.
- Click the Create Topic button.
- Enter a name for your topic.
- Click the Create button.
- Copy the Topic name using the copy icon button. You will need it for the next section.
5. Create an Uptime Check
To create an uptime check for a Google Cloud Run application:
- Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
- Click the Monitoring tab.
- Click the Uptime Checks tab.
- Near the top of the page, click the Create Uptime Check button.
- Use the following values:
- Protocol : HTTPS
- Resource type : URL
- Hostname : Enter the Cloud Run Service URL part without the https. A sample is in the screen below. If you are not sure what the service URL is, go to Cloud Run from the main Google Cloud Console and navigate to the details of the Cloud Run service as explained before to get the Service URL.
- Path : healthy
- Check frequency: 1 minute
- Click Continue
- Switch on Content matching is enabled
- Enter "All Izz Well" under Response Content; this string is already in the application when it sends complete responses.
- Keep
- Keep Acceptable HTTP Response Code set to Response Code Classes, and 2xx as the only response code class. This way, only response codes with 2xx will be evaluated for the string, and anything else will automatically count as a failed check.
- Click Continue
- Select the Cloud Pub/Sub topic as the notification channel, and click OK
- Click Continue
- Add a recognizable title
- Click the Test button
- Review and click the Create button once ready
Your uptime check will be created and will start monitoring your Cloud Run application. You can view the status of your uptime check in the Uptime Checks tab.
6. Congratulations
Congratulations, you've successfully configured your Uptime Check to send alerts to Pub/Sub!